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May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting Alexandria, Virginia May 18, 2004 Reusability & Persistence: Talking Points -Robby.

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Presentation on theme: "May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting Alexandria, Virginia May 18, 2004 Reusability & Persistence: Talking Points -Robby."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting Alexandria, Virginia May 18, 2004 Reusability & Persistence: Talking Points -Robby Robson-

2 22 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 2 The unique identifier of the slides The slides presented by Robby at the SCORM – NSDL technical meeting on May 18, 2004, the IDA building (whose unique identifier has recently changed) in Alexandria (Virginia, so as not to be confused with the real Alexandria) [And yes … lots of these are reused from previous presentations]

3 33 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 3 Description of NSDL Reusable Learning Project Goal: Increase the value and impact of the NSDL by increasing the reusability of its content Approach – Reach contributors through collections – Reach collections through workshops – Reach everyone through Web site Deliverables – Reusable Design Guidelines Reusable Design Guidelines – Reusability Framework Reusability Framework – Workshops Workshops – Web site Web site – Policies – Resources Resources Reference –

4 44 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 4 Framework for Reusability Rights Interoperability – Plug & Play – Authors – Repositories – Delivery Platforms Metadata – Object Level – Collection Level Reusable Design – Content – Presentation – Structure – Pedagogy – Context Reusable design is good design Granularity – Content Asset – Information Asset – Learning Object – Learning Component – Learning Environment

5 55 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 5 Granularity (Learnativity Model) Summarized *From work of Robert Horn Content Asset Information Object* Learning Object Learning Component Learning Environment Fact Concept Principle Process Procedure Addresses Single Learning Objective. doc.wav.swf.fla.jpeg.mpeg Chapter Lesson Unit Course LMS / CMS “Total Experience” SCORM, the Next Generation SCORM Content Aggregation Sharable Content Object (SCO) Asset or SCOAsset Applets / Flash Movies / Interactive Content LOM Level 3LOM Level 2LOM Level 1 LOM Level 4

6 66 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 6 Reusability, Granularity & SCORM Content Assets | …… | Learning Objects | …… |Learning Environments Relevance of Learning Technology Standards Lower Higher Reusability in a Learning Context Learning Authoring Forget “what is a learning object?” These are the things learners use.

7 77 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 7 Reusable Design Guidelines: Version 2.9, May 7, 2004 1.0 RIGHTS AND PERMISSIONS – 1.1 Statement of Copyright – 1.2 Terms of Use – 1.3 Grant Modification Rights 2.0 INTEROPERABILITY – 2.1 Standardized and Portable Formats – 2.2 Standards for Communication, Sequencing and Navigation – 2.3 Provide Editable Versions 4.0 METADATA – 4.1 "Basic" Descriptive Information – 4.2 Contextual Information – 4.3 Technical Information – 4.4 Usage Information 3.0 DESIGN – 3.1 Self-Contained Learning Experiences – 3.2 Separation of Content and Presentation – 3.3 Separation of Content and Navigation – 3.4 Accessible Design – 3.5 Multiple Educational Settings – 3.6 Multiple Educational Levels – 3.7 Multilingual Support

8 88 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 8 SCORM / AICC / IMS Adoption Estimates Estimated Adoption Rates Corporate LCMS / LMS Authoring Tools (Corporate & Academic) Course Management Systems AICC specifications for content / LMS communication 80% – 90%60% - 70%, including the products most commonly used 20% - 30% SCORM100%70% - 80%, including the products most commonly used 40% - 50% Various IMS specifications No Data Available 60% - 70%

9 99 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 9 Steps Towards Reusability Rights – Persistent DRM – Support in Collections – “Do ask, Do tell” Interoperability – Service-based SCORM – Adoption Metadata – Educational / Technical / Rights metadata – Automated generation of metadata Reusable Design – Data on current practice – Professional Development – Tools that do the right thing Low Level Enablers – Rights Expression Languages – Models that unify similar specifications & standards from different sectors – Persistent Unique Actionable Identifiers

10 10 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 10 Evolution of Technology: The Need for Persistence JavaScript in HTML Java Frameworks ASP / Cold Fusion Services Model File-basedDatabase-Based Repository-Based Content Players Content Interoperability Content Reusability Distributed Network Client / Server 19961997199819992000200120022003 2004

11 11 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 11 - External - Digital libraries, e-stores, Bookstores, etc Learning Management Environments Ecosystem Model for the Education Community - Policy & Legal Environment - Author Publish Assemble - Internal - Repositories, Libraries, Content Mgt Systems, etc Authors Librarians / Repository Managers Publishers Catalog Find Distribute - Standards & Services - Faculty / Instructors Administrators Students / Learners Acquire Content Repositories A u t h o r i n g a n d A s s e m b l y T o o l s U s e r ’ s P e r s o n a l E n v i r o n m e n t Use Directory Services Rights Services Search / ID Services Financial Services Tracking & Reporting

12 12 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 12 Discussion Items NSDL collections should be a portlets in Google ™ Disaggregation is more important than aggregation Reuse – Is the most natural form of learning – Can be fostered but not foisted Users don’t give a DAMN* about standards We don’t know how content will be (re)used and have trouble supporting the uses we do know about Persistence – Happens over space and time – Is essential for the eternal extraneous for the ephemeral elusive for the evolving *Don’t Acronym Me Now!

13 13 May 18, 2004SCORM/NSDL Technical Meeting 13 Some Achievable Next Steps Click to add ideas

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