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Spring 2007 PowerPoint Basics Why is it a good tool to use? Easier than 3 X 5 Note Cards Organized presentations are “heard” better.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2007 PowerPoint Basics Why is it a good tool to use? Easier than 3 X 5 Note Cards Organized presentations are “heard” better."— Presentation transcript:


2 Spring 2007

3 PowerPoint Basics Why is it a good tool to use? Easier than 3 X 5 Note Cards Organized presentations are “heard” better More information can be given AND REMEMBERED Pictures can be used along with words Handouts can be used as well

4 PowerPoint Basics Microsoft Product Works like WORD Text control Cut, Copy and Paste Control Color control Many Menu items the same Insert Toolbars ClipArt

5 PowerPoint Basics Before you begin Know your topic Know your audience Know ‘how’ it will be presented Live Intranet or Internet Static or ‘available’ file Practice, Practice, Practice

6 PowerPoint Basics How to begin Start->Programs->Office Apps->PowerPoint Open a Blank presentation or Design Template Choose appropriate color and theme Do not let the design take over the presentation Color DOES matter Text Size Type of Text

7 Test Slide  Is this a viable option for text size?  How about this font?  This one?  Colors? –How is this? –Or this?

8 PowerPoint Basics Opening Title Slide Occurs when you open PowerPoint How to insert a NEW SLIDE


10 PowerPoint Basics Main body of Slides 4 Types

11 PowerPoint Basics 1.Informational Text or Text and Content layout 2.Visual Images, charts, graphs, pictures Content Layout 3.Combination Text and Content Layouts 4.Other

12 The right side of the screen shows the different choices for SLIDE LAYOUT The BLUE BOX will highlight the layout chosen

13 PowerPoint Basics Notice the layout chosen has a title section and a “bulleted” text area below (just like this slide) Click on another layout and see how the slide changes

14 Bullet Format Choose “Slide Layout” in “Common Tasks” Choose any of the bullet formats bullets with title two columns with bullets bullets with charts bullets with clip art

15 How to add Clip Art Select “Slide Layout” from the Common Tasks menu Select one of the layouts that include Clip Art Follow the directions on the computer to add the Clip Art

16 Adding Clip Art Double click the clip art box Now you can view all of your choices of clips

17 Selecting and Adjusting Art Select your art Select “insert clip” Adjust the picture to your desired size

18 Example Slides Pictures always talk LOUDER!

19 Boring Talk? ADD “Pizazz”

20 How to add Charts Select “Slide Layout” from the Common Tasks menu Select one of the layouts that include Charts Follow the directions on the computer to add the Chart

21 Adding Charts Double click the chart box or Click on Chart icon in toolbar Enter information in spreadsheet Right click on the chart to change options

22 PowerPoint Basics Excel Graphs “As you can see from these numbers…..”

23 How to Open Your Slide Show 1.Use the tool bar below on the left after opening presentation click the icon on the right (looks like a projection screen) 2.Use the menu bar above Go to Slide Show menu Select “View Show”

24 To View the Next or Previous Slide To view the next slide: left click the mouse once press the down arrow on the keyboard press the Page Down button on the keyboard To view the previous slide: right click the mouse once and select “Previous Slide” from the menu press the up arrow on the keyboard press the Page Up button on the keyboard

25 PowerPoint Basics Web site Links can be added as well and used in the presentation

26 PowerPoint Basics K.I.S.S. Do not distract audience Custom Animation Sounds Transition from Slide to Slide Movement Timing

27 Transition from Slide to Slide Click on “Slide Show” in Menu bar Click on “Slide Transition” Option menu opens on right Click on desired option This option is then previewed for you on this slide Click different choices to see what works best

28 Transition from Slide to Slide Modify the transition Change the Speed Add sound Change HOW the slide is to advance by checking the box for “On mouse click” or “Automatically after” and set the time Apply to all slides or just to this one

29 PowerPoint Basics BR CAREFUL OF OVER DOING Do not forget the real reason Do not get into the “Uh’s and Ah’s” Do not “wow” them so much so that they do not remember the purpose of your presentation.

30 PowerPoint Basics Saving your file Large size, do not try to hurry Print off copies of slides, (6 slides each) for notes Add notes to the bottom for your use

31 PowerPoint Basics Questions?

32 PowerPoint Basics Self-quiz 5 slide show Design Template for ALL slides UMSL as Topic Audience is High School Seniors Title slide Custom Animation Slide Transition

33 PowerPoint Basics Self-quiz Continued Insert Image from UMSL website List UMSL Web site URL Save your document

34 Attention !!!!!! Duplex Printing is now available in our Labs.

35 Additional Information The Microcomputer Program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis offers day and evening computer courses as part of the Chancellor's Certificate series. Microsoft E-Learning Library has tutorials on many MS Office products available to all UMSL students and staff The Online Student Technology Guide has answers to many computing questions.

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