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APPLYING GREEN to CAMPUS RECREATION PROGRAMS, SERVICES & FACILITIES Glenn Hanley Director of Campus Recreation, Texas State University Greg Houston, AIA,

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Presentation on theme: "APPLYING GREEN to CAMPUS RECREATION PROGRAMS, SERVICES & FACILITIES Glenn Hanley Director of Campus Recreation, Texas State University Greg Houston, AIA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 APPLYING GREEN to CAMPUS RECREATION PROGRAMS, SERVICES & FACILITIES Glenn Hanley Director of Campus Recreation, Texas State University Greg Houston, AIA, LEED AP Principal Architect, Marmon Mok Architecture

2 Green recreation centers can be transformative projects by exposing students, staff, donors, and faculty to environmentally sensitive practices and eco-appropriate building materials and systems Learn the benefits a sustainable recreation center offers beyond building performance Presentation Description

3 Understand the basics of implementing green principles Identify the benefits to your department by operating in a sustainable manner Find resources for operating sustainably Learning Objectives

4 Going Green Sustainability LEED Certification Definitions

5 What is green building? The concept of sustainability is applied to the design, construction, & operation of buildings Site issues Water conservation Energy use & air quality How we use materials & resources The health and comfort of building occupants

6 "Sustainable development meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations." UN World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987 What does sustainability mean?

7 "Then I say the earth belongs to each…[yet] no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence." Thomas Jefferson, 1789 What does sustainability mean?

8 Living within your means Living well (environmental quality) Being responsible (to future generations) Cleaning up after yourself Planning ahead Save for the future (non-renewable resources) Don’t get in debt (environmental damage) Don’t be wasteful … do things in a way that can be sustained indefinitely What does sustainability mean?

9 We Need a Metric


11 Green Building Metrics IBC 2009 IGCC (est 2013) LEED Certified LEED Silver LEED Gold LEED Platinum Living Building Challenge ASHRAE 30% Guide GGHC

12 HOW LEED WORKS The basics:  Mandatory Prerequisites  Categories of Optional Credits  Completed Credits earn Points  Certification is based on number of Points earned Certification Summary Certified = 40% of pts. Silver = 50% of pts. Gold = 60% of pts. Platinum = 80% of pts.

13 HOW LEED WORKS LEED Green Building Rating System (v2.2)  Sustainable Sites  Water Efficiency  Energy & Atmosphere  Materials & Resources  Indoor Environmental Quality  Innovation in Design Credit Categories

14 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Do What Makes Sense Identify Items Satisfied by Project Site Identify Items Already in Baseline Design Maximum Benefit / Minimum Cost Reject Costly or Minimum-Benefit Items Don’t Play “Point Chasing” Game Approach to Sustainability/High Performance

15 OPERATIONS Do What Makes Sense Establish Staff Training Coordinate Maintenance Materials Attainable Maintenance Programs Attainable Environmental Programs Measure and Document Results Approach to Sustainability/High Performance

16 Is it more expensive to build green? A definitive yes and no Factors in Costs Total Project Cost Impacts Cost of Going Green

17 Development Costs Construction Costs Operational Costs Cost Impact to a Project

18 More “bang for the buck” – cost + benefits Planning Programming Design Construction Commissioning Operations Affect the Greatest Impact

19 Static Systems vs. Dynamic Systems Static Systems Structure, Roofs, Walls, Floors Dynamic Systems Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning Pool Equipment – Pumps, Heating & Cooling Energy Monitoring & Controls Water Use Controls Alternative Energy Systems – Solar, Wind Operation & Maintenance of Green

20 What is the performance compared to conventional construction? Longevity Envelope Equipment Systems Efficiency Energy Water User Comfort

21 Why does it make sense… even in tough economic times?

22 Cost neutral materials & systems Our demand drives the industry Institutional buildings have long lives Life cycle costs vs. first costs Good health has value Environment Responsibility & Commitment Education & Research

23 Campus Recreation Leadership & Buy-in University / University System Education / Applied Research University Facilities, Design & Construction Culture of Green

24 Establish a departmental sustainability team Waste reduction & reuse Water reduction & reuse Solar power & heating Energy conservation Eco materials Indoor environments Green Housekeeping Green Practices

25 Composting Biofuels Electric vehicles Waste Reduction & Reuse

26 Low flow High efficiency shower heads Collecting rain water Collecting condensation water Using gray water for toilets Water less urinals Dual flush toilets Automatic shut off valves Water Reduction & Reuse

27 Pool water preheating Solar Power & Heating

28 Use of daylight Motion sensors Energy efficient lighting Computers at night Energy Conservation

29 Reuse materials Fast growing materials Materials harvested in a sustainable way Carpets Insulation Eco Materials

30 Plants to assist in filtering air Low VOC paints and finishes Indoor Environments

31 Chemicals Cleaning supplies Microfiber mats Microfiber towels Green Housekeeping

32 Benefit to the Department Image with administration and students Marketing Reducing costs Doing what is right



35 Water Conservation

36 The University of Colorado-Boulder greenest-university-in Greenest University in America

37 Hiring Green Living Representatives To promote recycling, waste reduction, and energy and water conservation to your peers through a variety of activities and events Harvard Business School

38 Harvard’s Reusable Mug Contest

39 Participate in a self- guided Green University Walking Tour to learn how Colorado State University maintains its environmentally- friendly status

40 The preferred vehicle of UMM admissions counselors, faculty, staff, and students is a gas/electric hybrid - the Toyota Prius Green Vehicles



43 “In Fall 2007, Housing & Dining made a conscious effort to reduce the amount of paper used by our department. By replacing our copiers and printers and printing pages more conservatively, Housing & Dining was able to reduce our environmental footprint by 70% of what it was the year before.” Paper Waste Reduction


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