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1 Renewable Energy in the Northwest: Wind Energy Presented By Stephen C. Hall STOEL RIVES LLP Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation Symposium University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Renewable Energy in the Northwest: Wind Energy Presented By Stephen C. Hall STOEL RIVES LLP Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation Symposium University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Renewable Energy in the Northwest: Wind Energy Presented By Stephen C. Hall STOEL RIVES LLP Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation Symposium University of Oregon School of Law October 10, 2008

2 2 Benefits of Wind Energy Clean, renewable Predictable costs Economic benefits to rural communities Low impact on the environment Green collar jobs Abundant resource Displaces thermal generation

3 3 Fact Sheet: Total U.S. Wind Generation 1985—1000 MW 1999—2000 MW 2003—5000 MW 2006—10,000 MW 2008—20,000 MW

4 4 Source: AWEA Wind Energy Association (

5 5 Creating Electricity from the Wind Wind turbine Rotor Shaft Nacelle Gearbox Generator Transformer Collection point Substation Transmission lines Load

6 6 Fact Sheet: A Utility Scale Wind Turbine 120-foot blades 240-foot rotor 240-foot tower Power production: 1.8 MW (1800 kilowatts) Installed cost: ~$1.5 million Life of project: 25 years

7 7 Policy and Economic Incentives Federal and state tax credits/incentives Renewable Portfolio Standards Carbon policy; e.g., cap and trade

8 8 Challenges for Wind Transmission Wildlife issues Aesthetics Wind integration

9 9 Meet the Players in a Typical Wind Project Developer Landowner Utility Contractors Equipment manufacturers Investors/lenders

10 10 What is the Role of Lawyers in Developing Wind Energy? Site control Interconnection agreements Permitting/siting Regulatory approvals Power purchase agreements Equipment procurement agreements Construction and O&M agreements Tax law Corporate structuring Project finance/debt

11 11 To order any of our “Law of” books, please contact: Stephen C. Hall * 503.294.9625 * *

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