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Public Hearing 2011 City Budget. 2011 Budget Highlights  An increase of about $2,193,572 in total property taxes. ($1,494,382 for the Bond & Interest.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Hearing 2011 City Budget. 2011 Budget Highlights  An increase of about $2,193,572 in total property taxes. ($1,494,382 for the Bond & Interest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Hearing 2011 City Budget

2 2011 Budget Highlights  An increase of about $2,193,572 in total property taxes. ($1,494,382 for the Bond & Interest Fund)  No increase in sales tax projections for 2011.  The addition of two rental inspectors as well as an office assistant and educator for the new Discovery Center that are intended to be revenue neutral.  With the above exceptions, all other spending in the General Fund remains flat.  Rate increases for the water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities in 2011. 2 2011 City Budget

3 Proposed 2011 City Budget 2010 City Budget 2011 Proposed City Budget General Fund$ 23,122,213$ 23,253,312 Special Revenue Funds41,542,42241,961,201 Bond & Interest Fund13,484,91017,655,525 Enterprise Funds21,008,90522,175,500 Totals:$ 99,158,450$ 105,045,538 3 2011 City Budget

4 2011 Budget Snapshots Property Tax Funds 2010 Budget 2011 Proposed General Fund$ 23,122,213$ 23,253,312 Bond & Interest$ 13,484,910$ 17,655,525 RCPD$ 11,847,984$ 12,321,888 Library$ 2,420,019$ 2,439,494 City Employee Ben.$ 1,382,136$ 1,707,000 (continued) [.6%] [30.9%] [4.0%] [.8%] [23.5%] 4 2011 City Budget

5 2011 Budget Snapshots Property Tax Funds 2010 Budget 2011 Proposed Industrial Promo.$ 420,429$ 295,000 KP&F (Fire)$ 675,916$ 597,940 Fire Equip. Reserve$ 591,591$ 451,399 [-29.8%] [-11.5%] [-23.7%] 5 2011 City Budget

6 2011 Proposed City Budget 2010 City Budget $ 99,158,450$ 105,045,538 All Other Funds 2011 Budget Overview 6 2011 City Budget Bond & Interest Fund General Fund All Other Funds General Fund Bond & Interest Fund

7 $ 5,887,088 increase Budget Increase $ 4,170,615 increase in Bond & Interest Fund $ 418,779 increase in Special Revenue Funds $ 1,166,595 increase in all Enterprise Funds 2011 Budget Overview 2011 Proposed City Budget $ 131,099 increase in General Fund 7 2011 City Budget

8 CIP – Budget Impact 2008200920102011 General $ 525,950 $ 294,483 $ 289,650 $ 153,200 Fire Equipment Reserve 181,128 8,000 -20,000 Special Street & Highway 800,000 1,429,753 1,141,700985,000 General Improvement 73,100 35,000 50,000 Special Parks & Recreation 172,750 240,400 135,937295,000 Park Development 111,000 24,000 - - Other Special Revenue 1,978,754 835,800 488,300570,700 Short Term Financing - - 32,79077,112 Water 1,760,700 1,765,000 802,200437,164 Wastewater 716,700 547,000 861,200909,792 Stormwater 300,000 299,612 565,000512,000 Budget Impact: $ 6,620,082 $ 5,479,048 $ 4,366,777$ 4,009,968 8 2011 City Budget

9 Property Tax Levies City Services 2010 Mill Levy 2011 Proposed Mill Levy Change General Fund2.7212.687(0.034) Bond & Interest2.0965.4863.390 Employee Benefit Fund0.7371.4370.700 Fire Equipment Reserve0.1160.114(0.002) General Improvement0.000 ------ Park Development0.000 ------ KP&F0.3470.1710.176 Industrial Promotion0.000 ------ Outside Agencies RCPD25.52326.2490.687 Library4.2474.168(0.079) Library EBF0.9320.914(0.018) Riley County Health0.5310.6100.079 Totals: 37.28941.8364.547 9 2011 City Budget

10 Homeowner Impact (approximate home value $232,500) City Services $ 106 37.289 2010 Mill Levy of 37.289 41.836 2011 Mill Levy of 41.836 4.547 Proposed Change 4.547 General Fund $ 72 $ 0 Bond & Interest5514792 Employee Benefit Fund193819 Fire Equipment Reserve330 General Improvement000 Park Development000 KP&F95(4) Industrial Promotion000 Outside Agencies $ 29 RCPD675 702*27 Library112111(1) Library EBF2524(1) Riley County Health14162 Totals:$ 984 $ 1,119 $ 134 * Includes delinquency 10 2011 City Budget

11 Questions? 2011 City Budget Second Reading of 2011 Budget Ordinances on August 24th

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