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Why should renewable energy not be subsidised?. Sustainable Energy Usage By the end of the lesson you will; 1) Be able to describe the key features of.

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Presentation on theme: "Why should renewable energy not be subsidised?. Sustainable Energy Usage By the end of the lesson you will; 1) Be able to describe the key features of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why should renewable energy not be subsidised?

2 Sustainable Energy Usage By the end of the lesson you will; 1) Be able to describe the key features of BedZed 2) Compare the energy generation methods of a range of different countries 3) Have evaluated the key differences between the countries

3 HW  Read through the case study on Newcastle  Make notes on how it is a sustainable city  Be ready to discuss next lesson (Along with last HW on sustainable development)

4 BedZed Task 1. Watch the following video 2. Describe the key features of Bedzed

5 Sustainable Energy Usage By the end of the lesson you will; 1) Be able to describe the key features of BedZed 2) Compare the energy generation methods of a range of different countries 3) Have evaluated the key differences between the countries

6 Country Case studies Task You are going to work in groups of 2 Each will be given a case study on one country You need to answer the following questions; What is the energy mix of the country? What is good about the way that they produce their energy? What is bad about the way that they produce their energy How will the energy mix change in the future (and why) What issues are there for the future?

7 Peer teaching; Task 1. You are going to peer teach the information you have learnt 2. Focus on facts and figures to help your answer What is the energy mix of the country? What is good about the way that they produce their energy? What is bad about the way that they produce their energy How will the energy mix change in the future (and why) What issues are there for the future?

8 What can you remember; Task 1. On the A3 sheets you are going to add in as much as possible about the case study that you have just been taught 2. These will be photo copied and given back to you 3. Focus on the key facts and figures 4. Each of you should write in a different colored pen!

9 Key Ideas ChinaGermany Energy MixNon fossil fuels energy generation is 9.8% (year before was 9.1% ) Energy consumption is set to grown this year to 3.76 biollion tonnes of standard coal equivalent (increase of 3.9%) Hydro (24.23), Nuclear (1.58) Coal Fired (74.1) 10.5% of energy mix from natural gas (reduction) Oil was 35.8%, natural gas 21.7%, coal 25.4%, nuclear energy 7.2%, hydro-electricity 1.5% and non- hydro renewables 8.3% Positive impacts Improvement in air quality linked to increase in renewables Billions of dollars invested in renewable after criticism of air quality Non renewable methods set to grown to 10.7% By 2020 aims to have 20 GW of biomass, 300GW of Hydro. Nuclear energy set to increase 6 fold Coal power is more efficient in China than USA Wind generation in2013 exceeded all flat coal coal fired power stations for the first time Coal energy production fell to 65.7% (2013) Increase by 5 of the use of renewable energies Investment in energies such as the power to gas schemes ((more reliable than wind and solar) Move to reduce carbon dioxide emissions 35% of energy generated from renewable by 2035 $1.5 bill invested in clean energy research 1 million farms, houses and warehouses are covered in solar panels due to government subsidies Reduction in greenhouse gasses by 40% of 1990 levels Renewable supplied more than 25% of the countries gross energy supplies 2010 8 nuclear power plants were closed down and aims to close the other 9 by 2025 Causes the shutting down of non profitable stock power stations (Eon closed gas fired power stations – less polluting though than coal) Excess energy stored in water to be used later Negative impacts Still an increase in the coal consumption Coal power still set to rise by 50GW each year Small coal mines are being bought by the government Energy consumption in China grows with economy (last year rise of 9.8%) 1996 primary energy consumption was at 37.1 Quuadrillion BTU As economy grows so doe the need for coal and oil resources Reduction in coal is masked by increased use of natural gas (11% by 2020) Demand for coal is expected to grow by 3.6% up to 2020 Oil reserves have peaked and now are in decline (in east) Natural gas is now in decline (supplies of it) Reduction in earnings by the stock fuel power stations. This means that they will be no longer profitable – energy more expensive or power plants are shut down. They are still an important part of the energy mix Large amounts of green energy will flood the grid lowering the prices of energy in Europe (could be positive) High cost for the programme – energiewende of 1 trillion Euros (coming from the German tax payer) Very high costs to electricity (some of the highest in Europe Largely subsidized – 3 billion euros worth of energy was sold for 20 billion Low cost excess coal from the UK is used still in Germany leading to an increase in emissions by 2% (claim that new coal stations are more efficient) Surplus energy stored in water – but limits to the number of sites that can be used Grid has nightmare scenario of power surges when conditions are good for renewable energy generation (+ defecit of energy in bad times – 3 min power out in 2011 affecting 200,000 homes) The futureIncreasing reliance on imports of Natural gas and oil Increased spending on renewable energies Aim to have 85% of energy generated from renewables by 2050 Additional issues Energy use per unit of GDP is twice the global average and 3 to 4 times the average of developing nations Very low stock of coal so will become increasingly reliant on other countries exports What to do with the energy surplus and deficit generated through renewables Convincing the population to get on beard with the programme Importing energy from other countries – how feasible is this?

10 Sustainable Energy Usage By the end of the lesson you will; 1) Be able to describe the key features of BedZed 2) Compare the energy generation methods of a range of different countries 3) Have evaluated the key differences between the countries

11 main differences in approach? Task 1. You need to work in your pairs to add in as many differences in approach between Germany and China 2. What are the similarities in approach? SimilaritiesDifferences

12 Sustainable Energy Usage By the end of the lesson you will; 1) Be able to describe the key features of BedZed 2) Compare the energy generation methods of a range of different countries 3) Have evaluated the key differences between the countries

13 What have your learnt?

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