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SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Saint Paul Sustainable Building Policy Training Module Nine Coordination with the Project Processing Flow.

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Presentation on theme: "SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Saint Paul Sustainable Building Policy Training Module Nine Coordination with the Project Processing Flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Saint Paul Sustainable Building Policy Training Module Nine Coordination with the Project Processing Flow

2 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY DOL Disclaimer: This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner. Funders and Partners: City of Saint Paul CSBR Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development United States Department of Labor

3 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Coordination with the Project Processing Flow Brief overview of the sustainable building policy Generalized development process The development process with the Sustainable Building Policy Reporting and verification requirements


5 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Saint Paul Sustainable Building Policy The following types of development are included – City and HRA owned buildings Private development in the City that receives more than $200,000 in public investment –Both commercial and residential New construction projects New parking structures and parking lots Additions that include a new HVAC system

6 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Scope of the policy In the future, the City and HRA will consider policies for the following types of development: Renovations of existing structures Private development that receives $200,000 or less in public investment

7 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY City money Policy triggered with at least $200,000 from: –Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) –Tax Increment Financing (TIF) –HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) –Multi-Family Housing Revenue Bonds –Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) –Other Federal, State, and Met Council Funding –HRA Funds –City Funds (Including STAR) –In any combination of loans, grants, write-downs or other funding vehicles

8 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Implementation The project will submit information related to the requirements of both the chosen rating system and the overlay at various points through the development process Sustainability facilitators from PED will work with project managers to help the developer navigate the “green” development process and ensure adherence to the sustainability requirements.


10 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Generalized development process (without sustainable requirements) The developer contacts the department of Planning and Urban Development (PED) to discuss potential project Developer submits application for public subsidy to PED, who reviews the application. PED Resource Team will look for appropriate sources of funding for some projects Project moves to Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI)-led concept review (continued)

11 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Generalized development process (continued) PED presents project to HRA/City Council for funding request (if denied, process may end or require amendments) HRA Board or City Council may consider a number of items. Additional DSI or other agency issues addressed / project redesign Site plan review and DSI approval (or additional information requested / redesign) Code plan review and DSI approval (or additional information requested / redesign) Permit issued DSI post-construction verification


13 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy The developer contacts the department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) to discuss potential project Sustainability facilitator is assigned to project Sustainability facilitator advises developer on Sustainable Building Policy requirements, design assistance and energy modeling (continued)

14 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) Developer submits a written proposal to include: –Initial application form –Developer Letter –20% of Development Deposit Application Fee Staff conducts preliminary analysis including: –Gap analysis –Assessment of sources and uses –Identify public purpose –Project feasibility –Evaluate developer’s financial capacity and experience (continued)

15 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) If PED staff determines that the proposal merits further consideration, staff and the Resource Team will determine appropriate sources of funds If public investment is $200,000 or less, the Sustainable Building Policy does not apply though developers may be encouraged to adopt the policy voluntarily If the Sustainable Building Policy does not apply, the developer must comply with other less stringent requirements (continued)

16 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) If public investment is greater than $200,000 the Sustainable Building Policy does apply The Department of Safety and Inspection (DSI) will convene a conceptual review / preliminary plan review meeting with City staff including the Sustainability Facilitator and DSI Project Facilitator. The developer will indicate which rating system will be used for the project. (continued)

17 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) As part of design process, developer begins required energy modeling and uses available design assistance (continued)

18 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) PED staff presents project to HRA Board and/or City Council. The HRA Board / City Council may consider one or more items including: –funding request –resolution approving Memorandum of Understanding –land sale contract –tentative developer status –development agreement –creation of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district (continued)

19 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) DSI leads site plan review; design documents required to note the previously determined commitment to green rating system and points to be earned. DSI leads plan review, including review of green points with Sustainable Facilitator (continued)

20 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) DSI issues building permits Funding is closed Construction begins DSI conducts periodic inspections for code compliance Construction ends DSI inspects property for code compliance and verifies specified items in design related to Sustainable Building Policy are incorporated into building (continued)

21 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY The development process with Sustainable Building Policy (continued) Developer submits required documentation verifying Sustainable Building Policy Compliance If compliance is incomplete, project directed to sustainable technical committee for remedial actions Project continues to track energy and water consumption as part of SB2030 requirements. (


23 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Reporting and Verification Process Initial reporting is done by the design phase, prior to the project being presented to the HRA/City Council for funding request. After HRA/City Council approval the design document submission is required to note final green rating system, with specific points to be earned Construction documents are checked by DSI during plan review. The overlay submission requirements are due to the Sustainability Facilitator Post construction DSI verifies that green features included in construction documents were appropriately incorporated into building In addition to the above, each guideline or rating system will have its own reporting requirements

24 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Overlay reporting requirements Overlay submission requirements cover all of the sections of the Overlay to the Saint Paul Sustainable Building Policy Part of verification by DSI post-construction

25 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY Overlay reporting requirements (continued) Each section of the overlay has specific information to be reported, the method required varies by section Reporting checklists can be found at paul paul Reporting requirements for each section can be found in their respective modules


27 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY General Overlay Reporting Requirements : Certification of Sustainable Building Standard Verification of initial registration At completion of certification, verification of required level of achievement Demonstrate that particular credits or points required by the Saint Paul Overlay have been met

28 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY General Overlay Reporting Requirements : Energy and Energy reporting Registration of the project in the MBSG tracking tool for completion of the SB2030 requirements. Verification will be done through the tracking tool Energy and greenhouse gas emissions will be reported to the B3 tracking tool at for a period of at least 10 years

29 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY General Overlay Reporting Requirements : Indoor Water Use Submission of completed calculator if using performance path (likely) Submission of list of fixtures and non-fixture water use devices if using either the performance or prescriptive path

30 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY General Overlay Reporting Requirements : Exterior Water Use Submission of Outdoor water use calculator and list of vegetated areas.

31 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY General Overlay Reporting Requirements : Construction Waste Reduction Submit log of recycling and waste showing diversion of required percentage from incineration or landfill

32 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY General Overlay Reporting Requirements : Indoor Environmental Quality Submit: –IAQ management plan –List of interior spaces present in project, including their designed ventilation rates and thermal comfort conditions. –List products specified in project, as they align with the requirements of the chosen sustainable building standard

33 SAINT PAUL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING POLICY General Overlay Reporting Requirements : Stormwater Management Submit Stormwater Management Plan, including figures and calculations Submit Operations and Management plan


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