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Geothermal- Overview Howard Rogers. Geothermal Technology- 3 major areas of Direct use of hot geothermal fluids Generation of electricity using- Steam.

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Presentation on theme: "Geothermal- Overview Howard Rogers. Geothermal Technology- 3 major areas of Direct use of hot geothermal fluids Generation of electricity using- Steam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geothermal- Overview Howard Rogers

2 Geothermal Technology- 3 major areas of Direct use of hot geothermal fluids Generation of electricity using- Steam (Dry & Flashed) Geopressured Binary (secondary fluids) Residential & Commercial Heat Pumps

3 Our Focus for Central and South Texas- Only 2 areas Residential & Commercial Heat Pumps Generation of electricity using Geopressured Binary (secondary fluids)


5 Residential & Commercial Heat Pumps Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHPs) take advantage of the Earth’s relatively constant temperature (about 68 degree F in Central Texas) at depths of about 10 ft to 300 ft. They are extremely efficient.

6 Geopressured resources: Geopressured resources are deep reservoirs of high-pressured hot water that contain dissolved methane. The Department of Energy built a demonstration plant in Texas (1979-1983) which produced electricity.

7 Binary Generation Recent advances in geothermal technology have made possible the economic production of electricity from geothermal resources as low as 170 degrees F. Binary plants typically use the geothermal fluid to heat another liquid which boils at a lower temperature than water.


9 What does one look like? This one is for Co-production with Oil Wells

10 With regard to electrical generation We hope to show that- With present technology, we can have Cost effective Renewable Sustainable Reliable Clean Base load geothermal electric power.

11 CPS Energy is the leader in renewable energy It has sent out an RFP for 200 Mw of renewable energy…… that includes geothermal. They are doing their job. Who/What is the problem? Walt Kelly understood


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