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11 Energy in Denmark 2012. 2 Observed energy consumption and adjusted gross energy consumption.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Energy in Denmark 2012. 2 Observed energy consumption and adjusted gross energy consumption."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Energy in Denmark 2012

2 2 Observed energy consumption and adjusted gross energy consumption

3 3 Degree of self-sufficiency

4 4 Primary energy production

5 5 Oil and gas reserves

6 6 Natural gas consumption and flaring on platforms in the North Sea

7 7 Production of renewable energy by energy product

8 8 Consumption of waste

9 9 Consumption of renewable energy PJ

10 10 Renewable energy – consumption by energy product

11 11 Use of renewable energy in 2012

12 12 Renewable energy- share of total energy consumption

13 13 Share of renewable energy according to the EU method of calculation

14 Wind power capacity and wind power’s share of domestic electricity supply

15 Wind power onshore by municipality 15

16 16 Wind power capacity by turbine size

17 17 Wind power production by turbine size

18 18 Electricity production by type of producer

19 19 PJ Electricity production by fuel

20 20 Other fuels than coal for electricity production

21 21 Net exports of electricity by country

22 22 Electricity capacity

23 23 CHP share of thermal power and district heating production

24 24 Heat supply by type of fuel, 2012

25 25 District heating production by type of production plant

26 26 Fuel consumption for district heating production, percentage distribution

27 27 Observed energy consumption and adjusted gross energy consumption

28 28 Gross energy consumption by fuel Adjusted

29 29 Gross energy consumption by energy product after transformation Adjusted

30 30 Gross energy consumption by use Adjusted

31 31 Climate adjusted Final energy consumption by use

32 32 Final energy consumption by energy product Adjusted

33 33 TJ per DKK million GDP (2005 prices, chained values) Gross energy consumption and final energy consumption per DKK million GDP Adjusted

34 34 Climate adjusted PJ Final electricity consumption by use

35 35 Climate adjusted % Electricity consumption’s share of total energy consumption

36 36 Energy consumption for transport by type

37 37 Energy consumption for transport by fuel type

38 38 Energy consumption for road transport

39 39 Final energy consumption by passengers and freight transport

40 40 Energy consumption for passengers transport by means of transport

41 41 PJ Energy consumption for freight transport by means of transport

42 42 Climate adjusted Energy and electricity consumption in agriculture and industry

43 43 Climate adjusted Energy consumption in agriculture and industry by energy product

44 44 Climate adjusted Energy consumption by individual industry in the agriculture and industry sector

45 45 Climate adjusted Electricity consumption’s share of total energy consumption

46 46 Climate adjusted Energy and electricity consumption in manufacturing industry

47 47 Climate adjusted Composition of energy consumption in manufacturing industries

48 48 Climate adjusted TJ per million DKK GVA (2005 prices, chained values) Energy intensities in agriculture and industry

49 49 Climate adjusted Electricity intensities in agriculture and industry TJ per million DKK GVA (2005 prices, chained values)

50 50 GJ per employees Energy consumption per employee in manufacturing industry Climate adjusted

51 51 Climate adjusted Energy and electricity consumption in the commercial and public services

52 52 Climate adjusted Energy consumption by energy product

53 53 Climate adjusted Composition of energy consumption in commercial and public services

54 54 Climate adjusted Energy consumption by sector

55 55 Climate adjusted Energy consumption for heating in the commercial and public services

56 56 Climate adjusted Electricity consumption by sector

57 57 TJ per DKK million GVA (2005 prices, chained values) Climate adjusted Energy intensities in the commercial and public services

58 58 TJ per DKK million GVA (2005 prices, chained values) Climate adjusted Electricity intensities in commercial and public services

59 59 Climate adjusted GJ per employee Energy consumption per employee the in commercial and public services

60 60 Energy consumption in households

61 61 Climate adjusted Household consumption by energy types

62 62 Climate adjusted Energy consumption per household

63 63 Heating installations in dwellings

64 64 Climate adjusted Index 1990=100 Energy consumption for heating in households

65 65 Climate adjusted Net energy consumption and heat loss for heating in households

66 66 Index 1990=100 Private consumption and electricity consumption in households

67 67 Household stock of electrical appliances

68 68 Specific electricity consumption of household appliances

69 69 Million tonnes CO 2 CO 2 emissions from energy consumption

70 70 Million tonnes CO 2 CO 2 emissions by fuel Adjusted

71 71 Kilogram per GJGram per kWh CO 2 emissions per fuel unit and kWh electricity Adjusted

72 72 Million tonnes CO 2 Observed CO 2 emissions by sector

73 73 Million tonnes CO 2 CO 2 emissions in end-use of energy Climate adjusted

74 74 Million tonnes CO 2 equivalents Emissions of greenhouse gases

75 75 Observed net-emissions of greenhouse gases by origin Million tonnes CO 2 equivalents

76 76 Observed emissions by type of greenhouse gases in 2011

77 77 Observed CO 2 emissions from energy consumption in 2012, ETS and non-ETS sectors

78 78 DKK Billion, current prices Energy expenses by industry and households Source: Statistics Denmark

79 Energy expenses in agriculture and industri 79 DKK Billion, current prices Source: Statistics Denmark

80 Energy expenses by fuel 80 DKK Billion, current prices

81 81 DKK Billion, current prices Revenues from energy, CO 2 and sulphur taxes

82 82 Billion DKK, current prices Net currency revenues from energy products Source: Statistics Denmark

83 83 DKK Billion, current prices Expenses for public service obligations (PSO) in the electricity area

84 84 Billion DKK, current prices Value of crude oil and natural gas production

85 85 Billion DKK, current prices Exports of energy technology and equipment

86 86 USD per Barrel, annual average *Prices for 2013 cover only the first six months. Spot market prices of crude oil

87 87 DKK 0.01 per kWh Spot market prices for electricity 2012

88 88 DKK, current prices Energy prices for households

89 89 DKK, 2012 prices Energy prices for households

90 90 DKK per KWh Electricity prices, excl. taxes for industrial customers

91 91 DKK per m 3 Natural gas prices, excl. taxes for industrial customers

92 92 Motor gasoline prices DKK per litre

93 93 1980 1990 2000 2010 2012 Composition of energy prices for households

94 94 DKK 0.01 per kWh Electricity prices for households 1997-2013 (as at 1 January) Source: Danish Energy Association

95 95 North America 220 South and Central America 328 Europe and Euroasia 141 Africa 130 Middle East 808 Asia and Pacific 41 Proven oil reserves at end 2012 billion barrels

96 96 Million tonnes Oil consumption by region

97 97 Million tonnes oil equivalents Energy consumption by region

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