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Energy Scenario 12 Nov 2011. Energy transformation.

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1 Energy Scenario 12 Nov 2011

2 Energy transformation


4 Electricity 3 conditions - magnetic field - conductor - relative motion

5 Hydroelectric

6 World’s 1 st Hydroelectric Plant Appleton, USA : 30 Sept 1882

7 India’s 1 st Hydro Power Plant 2x130 kW Darjeeling : 10 Nov. 1897

8 World’s largest capacity Hydro Power Plant 20,300 MW Three Gorges, China

9 Thermal

10 Coal based Thermal Power Plant 4440 MW Belchhatov, Poland

11 World’s Largest capacity oil Fired Power Plant 4800 MW Surgut-2, Russia

12 World’s Largest Natural Gas Power Plant 5040 MW Futtsu, Japan

13 Nuclear : Fission

14 Three Stage Indian Nuclear Power Programme Three Stage Indian Nuclear Power Programme Stage – I PHWRs 17 Operating (4240 MWe) 17 Operating (4240 MWe) 1 to start soon(220 MWe) 1 to start soon(220 MWe) 4– 700 MWe units under construction (2800 Mwe) 4– 700 MWe units under construction (2800 Mwe) Several 700 MWe units planned Several 700 MWe units planned LWRs LWRs 2 BWRs Operating (320MWe) 2 BWRs Operating (320MWe) 2 VVERs under 2 VVERs under construction (2000 Mwe) construction (2000 Mwe) Several LWRs planned Several LWRs planned Stage - II Fast Breeder Reactors Fast Breeder Reactors 40 MWth FBTR - Operating since 1985 40 MWth FBTR - Operating since 1985 Technology realised Technology realised 500 MWe PFBR-500 MWe PFBR- Under Construction Pre-project activities for two more FBRs approved Pre-project activities for two more FBRs approved TOTAL POWER POTENTIAL  530 Gwe (including  300 GWe with Thorium)TOTAL POWER POTENTIAL  530 Gwe (including  300 GWe with Thorium) No additional mined uranium is needed for this scale up Stage - III Thorium Based Reactors Thorium Based Reactors 30 kWth KAMINI- Operating 30 kWth KAMINI- Operating 300 MWe AHWR- ready for deployment 300 MWe AHWR- ready for deployment Availability of ADS can enable early introduction of Thorium on a large scale ENERGY POTENTIAL IS VERY LARGE World class performance Globally Advanced Technology Globally Unique


16 Renewable Energy

17 Largest Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant 80.7 MW Finsterwalde, Germany


19 Largest Solar Thermal Power Plant 150 MW Solnova, Spain

20 World’s Largest Capacity onshore Wind Farm 786 MW Roscoe, USA

21 Off-shore Wind Farm Off-shore Wind Farm


23 Cow-dung based biogas plant, purification and vermin-composting

24 26 MW Baggase based co-generation plant in a Sugar Mill, Belgaum, Karnataka

25 Solid Municipal Waste REFUSE DERIVED FUEL - PELLETS 6.6 MW Power Plant, Hyderabad 45 bars, 480 o C, 32 TPH, Defuse Derived Fuel, Flue Gas temp. 145 o C

26 Biofuel plant (Jatropha)

27 Largest Biofuel Power Plant 260 MW Alholmen’s Kraft, Finland

28 Plastic to fuel oil

29 Geothermal Power Plant 213 MW Hellisheidi

30 Tidal Power Plant 240 MW The Rance, France

31 World’s Largest Wave power Plant 2.25 MW Agucadora, Portugal, Wave



34 Demand side management

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