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Solar Energy Community Power Ownership, and Solar Distributed Generation Roberto Garcia Ontario Sustainable Energy Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Energy Community Power Ownership, and Solar Distributed Generation Roberto Garcia Ontario Sustainable Energy Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Energy Community Power Ownership, and Solar Distributed Generation Roberto Garcia Ontario Sustainable Energy Association

2 Solar PV Community Action Manual Technology Overview Systems and Connections Site Assessment Community Ownership Options Financing & Analysis Planning & Installations

3 Solar Energy Technology allows energy from the sun to be converted into electric or heat energy TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

4 Solar PV / Electric Technology Solar Panels TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

5 Solar Energy Solar PV Source: CEL-F Solar Systems Ltd. © SOP Meter AC Current Inverter DC Current PV Modules Power Grid Home Meter

6 Assessing Site Considerations South facing roof, adequate space No shading (time of year, future tree growth) Roof structure, condition More in the Solar PV Community Action Manual TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

7 Solar Resource Assessment TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

8 Organizational Structure Individual Ownership Joint Venture Bulk Purchase Model Co-operative; Large-scale project TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

9 Organizational Structure Individual Ownership Advantages Exclusive Internal Benefits Social Positioning Benefits Increased Cost Certainty Disadvantages Risk High amount of knowledge required High Capital Cost may be a deterrent Cannot take advantage of Economies of Scale TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

10 Organizational Structure Joint Venture Advantages Spread out initial costs & Diversify Risk Can combine skills and knowledge of different parties Slightly better able to achieve economies of scale Disadvantages Risk Possible conflicting views TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

11 Organizational Structure Bulk Purchase Advantages Economies of Scale Cost Efficiency Hands-off for most involved Security Disadvantages Volunteer Inexperience Low transfer of expertise Price/Participation Fluctuation TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

12 Organizational Structure Co-operative Model Advantages Low cost of energy Democratic Community Building Limited Liability Access to Profit RRSP Eligibility Disadvantages Diversity of Investment Timeliness Low Organizational Growth TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

13 Organizational Structure OSEA has recently completed the Solar Thermal Community Action Manual http://www.ontario- rmalCommunityActio nManual.pdf http://www.ontario- rmalCommunityActio nManual.pdf TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

14 Price & Financing Options Price of Solar PV Photovoltaic Panels (1, 2, 3kW) Mounting Rack (flat / pitched roof) Grid-tie inverter Electrical disconnect, cable, connectors, and installation hardware Installation Safety inspection SOP Meter AC Current Inverter DC Current PV Panels Power Grid Home Meter TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

15 Price & Financing Options Price of Solar PV Connection ready system SOP Connection Fee: Approx. $ 575.00 + $ 14.00 per month Prices for: Victorian Peak Flat Roof 1 kW: $11,575 $11,725 2 kW: $19,250 $19,550 3 kW: $27,200 $27,650 TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

16 Price & Financing Options Government Incentives Solar Thermal: Provincial Rebate of $500 for residential system Federal Rebate of $500 for residential system Solar PV SOP Accelerated CCA (Class 41.3) TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

17 Price & Financing Options Financing Options Leasing Home Equity Line of Credit Mortgage Re-Advance TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

18 The SOP and Metering for Solar Net Metering Use your solar electricity first, then grid electricity If you produce more than you use, you’re account is credited TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

19 The Standard Offer Program Initiated the campaign in 2004 due to RFP barriers Program announced March 2006 Contract available November 2006 42¢/kWh for Solar Electricity TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

20 The SOP and Metering for Solar Standard Offer Program Continued… Toronto Hydro and other Provincial LDCs are finalizing their processes for administering the SOP 2 year review period underway OSEA’s role: Provide feasibility analysis under SOP TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

21 The SOP and Metering for Solar Accessing the SOP Your Solar PV System is metered separately from your home Local LDC may charge a monthly generators fee – we are working to eliminate this Excellent tax implications with SOP Home Meter SOP Meter TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

22 Rationale for the SOP Price Why is Solar Electricity So Great? Clean energy, offsets pollution sources Increases the efficiency of energy supply (alleviate 9% line losses estimated through transmission) Peak demand leveling… TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

23 Rationale for the SOP Price Peak Demand Leveling TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 12am 3am 6am 9am 12pm 3pm 6pm 9pm 12am Nuclear Hydro Coal Solar

24 Other Solar Groups / Programs SolarShare Sustainable Ottawa OurPower  WISE  RISE Lots of momentum; we’re all pioneers in this together! TAF Funded Toronto Program Other Communities TechnologyStructurePriceSOPOther ProgramsSite

25 The Future of Solar Where is the Canadian Solar Industry Going? Revision of the Standard Offer Program Currently ~14 MW PV in Canada, Currently almost 50 MW have secured SOCs. Other Provinces considering a SOP Everyone present in on the leading edge of a huge shift toward urban solar The future is bright for solar!

26 Thank You! Question & Comments To contact OSEA: 416-977-4441 or Roberto Garcia Member Services

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