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Answers for infrastructure and cities. © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. Energy meets intelligence METE TAŞPINAR Smart Grid The Smart Grid - Constant.

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Presentation on theme: "Answers for infrastructure and cities. © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. Energy meets intelligence METE TAŞPINAR Smart Grid The Smart Grid - Constant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Answers for infrastructure and cities. © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. Energy meets intelligence METE TAŞPINAR Smart Grid The Smart Grid - Constant Energy in a World of Constant Change

2 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 2 Energy systems worldwide are changing

3 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 3 Renewable and distributed generation grow worldwide

4 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 4 Changing infeed patterns are challenging existing grid infrastructures Source: LEW Load in kW 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 12:000:00 12:00 Load profile 2003Load profile 2011 Weekly loading of a transformer station in the rural area of LEW-Verteilnetz GmbH – 2003 and 2011

5 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 5 Capacity problems are posing economic risks

6 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 6 And aging infrastructure is threatening security of supply

7 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 7 Loss reduction is one answer in times of increasing prices 201220202016 Losses % Target set by Regulator Example of reduction in NTL Savings for DSO Losses for DSO 18%5% 22%20% 21%9% 21%10% 12%3% Distribution Losses Non-technical Losses Network losses in % per region The non technical loss (NTL) business case for DSO is driven by regulation in Brazil Brazilian energy distribution network suffers non-technical losses (NTL) of 23 TWh p.a. (5.8 % of total output) € 1’’ p.a. lost revenue to the DSOs accrues. Regulator ANEEL established new regu- lations governing network efficiency and demands 30% NTL reduction every 4 years.

8 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 8 Significant changes in energy systems … From centralized, unidirectional grid …

9 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 9 Smart Street Lighting Unidirectional Power FlowBidirectional Power Flow Offshore Wind Parks Large Scale PV Plant Small Industrial Gas Turbine Biogas CHPDiesel Generator Storage Solutions Electrical Vehicles Private Solar Hydrogen Storage Storage Solutions Pumped Storage Power Plant Significant changes in energy systems … … to distributed energy and bidirectional energy balancing Page 9

10 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 10 … require a new Smart Grid infrastructure Renewable and distributed generation Limited generation and grid capacity Aging and/or weak infrastructure Cost and emissions of energy supply Revenue losses, e.g. non-technical losses Challenges Balancing generation & demand, new business models Load management & peak avoidance Reliability through automatic outage pre- vention & restoration Efficient generation, transmission, distri- bution & consumption Full transparency on distribution level / aut. loss prevention Solutions Future Smart Grid landscape Page 10

11 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 11 Service & End-to-end Security The Siemens Smart Grid Suite – Most comprehensive portfolio for Smart Grid GenerationTransmissionConsumptionDistribution Rail Electrification Field Devices (Sensors, Controllers) Protection Sensors Smart Meters Power Quality Communication and Automation CommunicationAutomation / HMI Grid and Enterprise IT Grid Application Demand Response Grid Control Virtual Power Plant Meter Data Mgmt. Big Data Analytics, IT integration, Energy Trading and Risk Management

12 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 12  Renewal of protection system  Reduction of outage times  Advanced operation modules  Increased system capacity Two control centers and grid automation for Ankara and Konya We helped Ankara and Konya to automize their grid and to have more realiable protection system. TEDAŞ 2-City SCADA/DMS Project

13 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 13  Reduction of outage times  Reduction of non-technical and technical losses  Increased system capacity New control centers and renewable integration study We’ll help Denizli and 2 other cities to successfully tackle one of the most dominant needs in Turkey: stable power supply. AYDEM: Stable power supply for 1.6M customers

14 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 14  Maximize profit of OTC trading and on spot markets  Reduction of fuel consumption of thermal plants  Reduction of CO2 output by maximizing utilization of hydro units and other renewables joint Resource Optimization and Scheduling with Spectrum Power We help GDF Suez Electrabel to successfully market more than 10GW capacity in Belgium and another 20GW in D and NL through week- ahead, day-ahead and intraday planning. Brussels: Optimizing the trading and scheduling processes of large scale generation

15 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 15  Managing of energy demand at all times, even during load peaks  Improvement of energy quality  Reduction of operational costs and outages  Rapid fault location and service restoration Meter Data Management and SCADA/DMS for Başkent EDAŞ enables We’ll help Ankara to cover rising demand of energy and to improve the billing process with energy customers. Ankara: Providing turnkey Smart Metering solutions up to 22,000 metering points in a fast-growing infrastructure

16 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 16 SEDAŞ: Meeting rapidly growing demand for reliable power supply We facilitate Sakarya EDAŞ to improve its grid quality and minimize downtimes by constantly monitoring the power grid. Provide an optimal energy automation and power quality solution for the substations  Enables monitoring and controlling transformer stations – SCADA/DMS  Allows fast detection of power system incidents and avoidance of associated costs  Ensures stable power supply and prevents technical losses

17 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 17 IC SG CC Dr. Jan Mrosik © Siemens AG 2012. All rights reserved. January 2013Page 17  Integration of ERP, SCADA, GIS, AMR and OMS data  Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)  Optimal operation of the grid  Reliable solution SCADA/DMS and GIS solution for AKEDAŞ We’ll help to optimize their operations integrated with IT solutions. Kahramanmaraş: Convergence of OT and IT data for faster and better informed decisions

18 © Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved. April 2013Smart Grid DivisionPage 18 Successfully implemented – today.

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