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 Using more sustainable materials, less materials and materials in the right constructions  Materials have their own impacts associated with them ◦

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2  Using more sustainable materials, less materials and materials in the right constructions  Materials have their own impacts associated with them ◦ Environmental impacts  Extraction/production ◦ Visual/thermal/acoustic impacts as well ◦ Also create the physical space that occupants experience

3  Embodied energy/carbon can be a measure used ◦ Measures environmental impact based on extraction, processing, manufacturing, and distribution  Over the life of a building this may not be the most important consideration ◦ Thermal/structural/acoustic properties  Lifecycle of the material ◦ Recyclable, biodegradable, made from recycled material or rapidly renewable materials

4  Produce, use, convert, and store energy for the building ◦ Efficient and effective  Systems for thermal and visual comfort ALL use energy is some form  Energy production and use is the primary driver of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming ◦ Also one of the biggest costs throughout the life of the building

5  Energy efficient ◦ Right technologies for your building ◦ Right design strategies for your building ◦ Can be measured by kilowatt hours per year, per unit area (energy use intensity or EUI)  Get the most out of the system or technology you use

6  Energy system design should be looked at as the whole system  Depending on needs/location ◦ On site photovoltaic ◦ Wind ◦ Grid electricity ◦ Natural gas  Architect defines energy “demand” and the engineer defines how to supply

7  Inside the building ◦ Drinking ◦ Cleaning ◦ Sanitation  Outside ◦ Landscaping ◦ Wastewater ◦ runoff

8  Fundamental to survival and human health  Also in keep systems in balance  Measured in both quantity and quality ◦ Flowrate of fixtures and capacity of tanks can measure quantity ◦ Quality can be measured in a # of ways, different qualities for different uses ◦ pH indicators, dissolved or suspended solids and turbidity

9  Use the right kind of water for the right uses  Reuse as much as possible  Economize use ◦ High efficiency fixtures  Capturing rainwater  Plumbing systems that separate potable water, grey water and blackwater  Purify water on site with living machines or advanced septic systems

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