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Alexander Voice 24 November 2008.  Motivation for the development of CCS technology  Climate change  Energy profile and outlook  Public perception.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander Voice 24 November 2008.  Motivation for the development of CCS technology  Climate change  Energy profile and outlook  Public perception."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander Voice 24 November 2008

2  Motivation for the development of CCS technology  Climate change  Energy profile and outlook  Public perception of CCS  CCS technological overview  CCS challenges and solutions

3 Muir Glacier, August, 1941

4 Muir Glacier, August, 2004

5 Source: Petit et. al., Nature, 2000

6 Source: IPCC Report on Climate Change, 2007 Average global temperatures have risen.75°C in the past 100 years. How much will the rise in the next 100 years?

7 Source: Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, 2006


9  CO2 concentration highest in last 650,000 years  Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, most of the global warming of the past half- century is due to increases in greenhouse gases  Global GHG emissions reduction challenge  Stabilize CO2(e) concentrations at 450ppm (2.0 – 2.4°C temperature rise)  Peak CO2 concentration before 2015  Reduce 2050 emissions to 50-85% of 2000 emissions  Reduce annual global emissions to 5Gt long term

10 MIT Carbon Sequestration Initiative, Survey, 2006

11 Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Electricity in 2007 Total = 10,539Mt Global CO2 PS Emissions 2007 Total = 13,375Mt (60% of total)

12 Source: EIA, International Energy Outlook, 2006 Year Quad. BTU Oil Coal NG Nuclear Renewables

13 Source: IPCC Special Report on Carbon Capture and Sequestration

14  Capture  Power plants  NG treatment  Oil refineries  Transportation  Pipelines  Ships  Sequestration  Geological formations (underground)  Ocean  What is the scale of this project? 800GW Coal / 1600GW NG 1Gt CO2 / 1BSCFD

15  Systems  Post-combustion  Pre-combustion  Oxy-fuel  Industrial processes (e.g. NG sweetening)  Separation technologies  Solvents – aqueous amines and salts  Membranes – polymeric  Solid sorbents – Lime, zeolite, activated carbon  Cryogenic processes – Liquefaction/distillation

16 Source: ABSSTRP HXHX Recirculating (amine) solvent CO2Clean gas Flue gas

17 ABS 40°C STRP 120°C HX Recirculating (amine) solvent ENERGY CO2Clean gas Flue gas

18  CO2 + OH-C2H4-NH2 + B  OH-C2H4-NH-CO2 + BH + Heat  Absorption of CO2 by MEA at 40°C  MEA recovery by desorption at 120°C  Reboiler provides heat to desorber in the form of steam from the boiler, reducing plant output and efficiency  Optimize loading, operating temperature, minimize solvent losses

19  Formation of heat stable salts  precipitation to produce fertilizer  Corrosion of equipment by amine solvent  addition of Cu 2+ or Va 4+ to solution  Degradation of solvent  addition of EDTA or other inhibitor to solution  Energy use  solvent storage / cycling; use of salts, high pressure processes, new solvents

20 Source:


22  2500km of pipeline / 50Mtyr -1 in western US TODAY  Use of existing infrastructure – require dry, sweet gas to prevent corrosion  Challenges are manageable, similar to transport of hydrocarbons

23  Big picture – Storage in oil reservoirs (depleted and EOR), natural formations, ocean storage  Will it leak? Not likely – models suggest 99% containment  Existing reservoir data can be used to estimate storage potential and address (water) concerns  No groundwater contamination (salt?)

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