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CLEAN TECHNOLOGY. Contents Sustainable Energy Solar Power Plants Wind Power Plants Hydro Power Plants Biomass Biodiesel Tidal Power Plants Geothermal.

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Presentation on theme: "CLEAN TECHNOLOGY. Contents Sustainable Energy Solar Power Plants Wind Power Plants Hydro Power Plants Biomass Biodiesel Tidal Power Plants Geothermal."— Presentation transcript:


2 Contents Sustainable Energy Solar Power Plants Wind Power Plants Hydro Power Plants Biomass Biodiesel Tidal Power Plants Geothermal power Plants Natural Gas power Plants Nuclear Power Plants The situation in Turkey and Hatay The Result of the questionnaire A short video A Turkish Folk Song

3 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY (RENEWABLE ENERGY) Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources—such as






9 Sun light, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat are naturally replenished and renewable ones. Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity/micro hydro, biomass and biofuels for transportation.


11 SOLAR POWER PLANTS The sun heats the solar panels, inverter turns that heat into electric power.

12 WIND POWER PLANTS Wind makes the blades turn, turning mill wheel turns the device in the generator, so wind turbine produce the electricity.

13 WIND POWER PLANTS The electricity created by the wind turbines were given to cables via transformers. A-3-MW-wind mill creates electricity for nearly 1000 houses.


15 HYDRO-POWER PLANT Rain water is collected in dams. When you release water go through narrow tunnel go so quickly, the water turns the turbines. Turning turbines make the device in the generator turn and the generator produces the electricity.

16 Biomass What is Biomass? Biomass is a renewable organic matter, and can include biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, and alcohol fuels.

17 BIOMASS POWER PLANTS Biological materials are put into specially built containers. They were left to be decomposed. So, they produce steam. This steam cause pressure in the container. When it is released through a narrow pipe, the steam makes the mill wheel turn, turning mill wheel turn the device in the generator. Generator produce the electricity.


19 Bio diesel What is Biodiesel? Biodiesel is fuel made from plant oil that can be used in diesel engines. They are typically made of renewable organic raw materials such as soybean or rapeseed oils, animal fats, waste vegetable oil or microalgae oil.

20 bio diesel

21 BIODIESEL Feedstock is transported to biorefinery mills. They produce biodiesel. And we use it.

22 TIDAL POWER PLANTS Tidal waves make the blades turn. Turning blades turn the mill wheel. Turning mill wheel turn the device in the generator. So, they produce the electricity without polluting the earth and causing the global warming.


24 GEOTHRMAL POWER PLANTS Hot water is vacuumed into turbine. Steam cause pressure in the turbine. When the steam under the pressure is released through the pipe, it produces the electricity.


26 THERMAL POWER PLANTS You burn coal, fuel or natural gas to heat water. Water steam is collected and released with great pressure through the pipe. It turns wheel mill, the generator produces the electricity.

27 NATURAL GAS POWER PLANTS Natural gas power plants use the same technology. This time, gas is burned instead of others.

28 NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Nuclear power plants use the same technology. This time, nuclear power is used instead of others.

29 The Potential of Solar Power in Turkey In each second, our earth has been having 170 million MW energy from the sun. Turkey produces 100 million MW energy each year. The solar energy reached in a second to the earth is much more than 1.700 times energy Turkey produced per year. According to research between 1966-1982, every day Turkey was having 7,2 hours sun light.

30 Solar Collectors Turkey has had solar collectors, nearly in each building, especially in the south and west of Turkey Unfortunately, although we have so much solar light, apart from heating water, we cannot use solar energy. We hope, in future, our government will seek all opportunities to get solar energy

31 When you produce 1 MW energy from wind turbine, instead of thermal power plant, it means, we save O2 which 135.000 trees produce.(Kamil B. Varınca, M. Talha Gönüllü).

32 In 2005, Turkey consumed approximately 160 billion kWh energy. Turkey has got good quality of wind: When we set up enough wind mills, we will be able to produce 147 billion kWh energy per year.

33 TOP 10 in producing wind energy in the world. (2006) MW % 1.Germany 20.66227,8 2.Spain11.61515,6 3.USA11.60315,6 4.India6.2708,4 5.Denmark3.1364,2 6.China2.6042,9 7.Italy2.1232,9 8.England1.9632,6 9.Portugal1.7162,3 10.France1.5672,1 O T H E R S11.00414,8 T O T A L74.221

34 TOP 10 in producing wind energy in the world. (2013) MW % 1. China 67,7 gigawatt 2. USA60 gigawatt 3. Germany30 gigawatt 4. Spain 5. India 6. Italy 7. France 8. Canada 9. Brazil 10. Denmark

35 HATAY Each Year, Hatay consumes approximately 6 billion kWh energy. It is the 6th highest city which consumes energy, in Turkey. In next five years, it is supposed to consume 8 billion KWh. Hatay produces 1,2 billion kWh energy per year. Thermal: 995 million kWh Wind Power: 200 million kWh Hydro: 5 million kWh 14 companies have already produced energy from Wind Power. They totally produce 367 MW 4 companies have already produced energy from thermal power plant. They totally produce 8 billion kWh.

36 You see how much hard and dangerous to get the electric energy. When we buy anything which consumes electricity, we had better choose ones which consume less energy.

37 questionnaire We implemented a questionnaire about non- polluting technology and it was answered by some of our students and their families. 668 people are involved in this questionnaire. Here are the results:

38 57 % of the people who answered the questionnaire believe that electric energy is a clean energy Yes38457% No28443% No Yes

39 20 % of them believe, when people far from 10.000 km pollute the air, the pollution doesn't effect them. Yes53480% No13420% No Yes

40 Only 12 % of those are aware that oceans absorbs CO2 much more than forest. Yes53480% No13420% No Yes

41 Only 62 % of those know how the electricity is produced. Yes41462% No25438% No Yes

42 71 % of those believe that when people use electric car, the air pollution will decrease. Yes47271% No19629% No Yes

43 12 % of those believe that air pollution doesn't cause lung illness. Evet58788% Hayır8112% No Yes

44 Only 72 % of those know that wind energy is a sustainable energy. Wind Power Plants Wind Power Plants480 72% Thermal Power Plants using coal105 16% Thermal Power Plants using oil83 12% Thermal Power Plants using coal Thermal Power Plants using oil

45 31 % of them believe that the most important effect which cause the global warming is because people drop litter, leave their garbage around Drop litter, leave their garbage around 20631% Fossil fuel46269% Fossil fuel Drop litter, leave their garbage around

46 Only 60 % of those are aware that thermic power plants pollute the sea, river and soil. Sea and rivers7611% air13520% soil538% All40460% All Sea and rivers soil air

47 44 % of those do not know that the electric power cannot be stored. Yes36555% No29344% Yes No

48 51 % of those do not know why the thermal power plants are built by the sea or rivers. Yes33951% No32949% Yes No

49 43 % of them believe that Germany does the best to use the non-polluting technology among our project countries. Turkey Germany Italy Romania Hungary Spain

50 A short video

51 THANKS İskenderun Anadolu Lisesi

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