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How to Kick Start a Social Enterprise Joanne O’Brien T: +61 7 3236 2900 E:

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1 How to Kick Start a Social Enterprise Joanne O’Brien T: +61 7 3236 2900 E:



4 WHAT IS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE? A more creative capitalism that can adapt business and the market to better address unmet social needs Non-loss businesses with social objectives Businesses that trade to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances or the environment Profit for purpose

5 WHY SOCIAL ENTERPRISE? Economic and social factors have created an increased need –Reduced government funding –Need for innovative solutions to new problems Growing field of academic study & research Plethora of definitions Social Traders, Social Ventures Australia

6 CONTEXT Sourcing finance Delivery of products & services Marketing Employees & Volunteers Legal structure to support desired aims outcomes LEGAL COMPLIANCE

7 LEGAL STRUCTURE What legal structure will you use? Options: 1. Operate within an existing NFP/charity Possible regardless of whether the NFP/charity is a company limited by guarantee or an association Establish a separate business unit Its own reporting lines 2. Establish a new separate legal entity

8 IN HOUSE OPTION Advantages –Minimal establishment costs –Utilises existing staffing & financial reporting frameworks –No changes at Board level –Surpluses become part of general revenue & can be utilised for core purposes

9 IN HOUSE OPTION (Cont’d) Potential problems –Impact on charitable status –Impact on tax endorsements –Risk to core business


11 OUT HOUSE OPTION Set up a new separate legal entity to operate the social enterprise Alternatives: –Company limited by guarantee –Proprietary Limited company –Incorporated Association –Trust

12 COMPANY ALTERNATIVES Minimum requirements : –Public Company (Ltd) 3 Directors 1 Member & that can be a corporate member –Private Company (Pty Ltd) 1 Director 1 Shareholder

13 ISSUE (CONT’D) A private company can distribute dividends A company limited by guarantee can only use its income & property to further its objects –One of those objects can be “To contribute funds to XYZ Foundation/Ltd ” –Loans & service agreements can be use d

14 ISSUES (CONT’D) Registration as a charity with ACNC? Entitlement to tax concessions? Who will be the Directors? –The whole Board of the parent; or –Sub-set of the parent Board; or –Individuals with particular skills + a representative of the parent Board

15 KEY CONSIDERATIONS How those issues are resolved depends on: –The nature of the enterprise; and –Its dominate objective: To generate funds; or To provide social outcomes

16 CASE STUDY 1 Aged Care Provider Ltd PBI Operating a construction business Building for itself & other Providers Builder’s Licence required minimum asset ratio that could not be met because of the accommodation bond liabilities Large cash reserves

17 CASE STUDY 1 The Solution: –Amend Constitution to allow the entity to set up an enterprise –Register a Pty Ltd company –Issue shares equal to the cash injection required – minimum amount to secure builders licence –CEO became the sole Director

18 CASE STUDY 2 Endorsed PBI – Homelessness Incorporated Association Aim to provide free/low cost health service Partnership with established health services Substantial investment required for premises fit out Collaboration with charitable foundation

19 CASE STUDY 2 The Solution: –Amend Constitution to allow the entity to set up an enterprise –Register a Ltd company –Association and Foundation members –Capital to be raised by way of loans & donations to the new company –Written agreement between members

20 Thank You Joanne O’Brien T: +61 7 3236 2900E: Level 10, 193 North Quay Brisbane Qld 4000

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