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Chemistry of Acid Rain How it relates to elements, compounds, and mixtures…

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1 Chemistry of Acid Rain How it relates to elements, compounds, and mixtures…

2 There are three primary types of Acid associated with Acid Rain Carbonic Acid (which comes from Carbon Dioxide emissions) Nitric Acid (which comes from Nitrogen Oxide pollution) Sulfuric Acid (which comes from Sulfur Dioxide pollution)

3 Carbonic Acid: Carbon Dioxide Pollution Human activity releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid Carbonic acid is dissolved into water to release free hydrogen ions H + (acid ingredient) and make water more acidic. CO 2 + H 2 O  H 2 CO 3

4 Carbonic Acid Questions What are the elements associated with the formation of carbonic acid? What are the compounds associated with the formation of carbonic acid? What is the pH range of carbonic acid? Describe the human activities that release CO 2 (The gas responsible for the formation of carbonic acid)? CO 2 + H 2 O  H 2 CO 3

5 Carbonic Acid Answers What are the elements associated with the formation of carbonic acid? Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen What are the compounds associated with the formation of carbonic acid? CO 2, H 2 O, H 2 CO 3 CO 2, H 2 O, H 2 CO 3 What is the pH range of carbonic acid? 3.42-7.00 depending on concentration What are the human activities that release CO 2 (The gas responsible for the formation of carbonic acid)? Electricity Generation, Transportation, Industry, Any form of combustion, Breathing

6 Nitric Acid: Nitrogen Oxide Pollution Human activity fuses Nitrogen and Oxygen to form Nitrogen Oxide (High temperatures fuse the gasses that are already in the atmosphere) Nitrogen Oxides react with oxygen in the air to produce Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen Dioxide reacts with water to form Nitric Acid and Nitric Oxide N 2 + O 2  2NO 2NO + ½ O 2  NO 2 3NO 2 + H 2 O  2HNO 3 + NO

7 Nitric Acid Questions What are the elements associated with the formation of nitric acid? What are the compounds associated with the formation of nitric acid? What is the pH range of nitric acid? Describe the human activities associated with nitrogen oxide pollution (the leading cause of nitric acid rain) N 2 + O 2  2NO 2NO + ½ O 2  NO 2 3NO 2 + H 2 O  2HNO 3 + NO

8 Nitric Acid Answers What are the elements associated with the formation of nitric acid? Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen What are the compounds associated with the formation of nitric acid? N 2 O 2 NO NO 2 HNO 3 N 2 O 2 NO NO 2 HNO 3 What is the pH range of nitric acid? 1.08 – 7.00 depending on concentration What are the human activities associated with nitrogen oxide pollution (the leading cause of nitric acid rain) Agriculture, Transportation, Industry,

9 Sulfuric Acid: Sulfur Dioxide Pollution Human activity fuses Sulfur and Oxygen to form Sulfur dioxide (This typically occurs when burning coal) Sulfur dioxide is oxidized gradually to form sulfur trioxide As Sulfur Trioxide reacts with water it forms and sulfuric acid S + O 2  SO 2 2SO 2 + O 2  2SO 3 SO 3 + H 2 O  H2SO 4

10 Sulfuric Acid Questions What are the elements associated with the formation of Sulfuric acid? What are the compounds associated with the formation of Sulfuric acid? What is the pH range of Sulfuric acid? Describe the human activities that release CO 2 (The gas responsible for the formation of carbonic acid)? S + O 2  SO 2 2SO 2 + O 2  2SO 3 SO 3 + H 2 O  H2SO 4

11 Sulfuric Acid Answers What are the elements associated with the formation of Sulfuric acid? Sulfur, Oxygen, Hydrogen What are the compounds associated with the formation of Sulfuric acid? O 2 SO 2 SO 3 H 2 O H2SO 4 O 2 SO 2 SO 3 H 2 O H2SO 4 What is the pH range of Sulfuric acid? 1.01 – 7. 00 depending on the concentration What are the human activities that form Sulfur Dioxide (The gas responsible for the formation of sulfuric acid)? Sulfur is an impurity in coal, the burning of coal fuses sulfur and oxygen to form sulfur dioxide. Therefore… Coal burning power plants Coal burning industry Fun fact… volcanic eruptions also release large amounts of sulfur dioxide

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