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Catherine Elvert City of Palo Alto Utilities Communications Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Catherine Elvert City of Palo Alto Utilities Communications Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catherine Elvert City of Palo Alto Utilities Communications Manager

2 2 About Palo Alto 60,000+ population + 15,000 Stanford University 100,000+ daytime population Full service municipal utilities Climate Zone 4

3 3 Palo Alto’s Building Stock 20,000 +/- structures Annual Building Permit activity: 3,000 – 3,500 Building Permits 1.5M sf new construction 750,000 sf renovations $300M permit valuation 125 – 150 new homes Average SFD landscape area 5,000 sf

4 MWELO Implementation How does it work? Collaboration 2009 - Developed a draft Ordinance Based on coordination with regional groups Reviewed draft Ordinance with multiple City departments Updated CPA Ordinance “at least as effective” as DWR model, as required by law Capture greater water savings by extending to more projects Residential, as required by law; Some requirements for all residential and non-residential landscapes; Plus opportunity to provide education and BMPs Revised to meet needs of Palo Alto’s community Permitting process through the City’s Green Building Program Varied requirements based on project scope Adoption early 2010

5 5 Palo Alto’s Green Building Program (GBP) The City’s Green Building Program (GBP) began in 2008. The GBP requires all new construction or major renovations meet either Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or Build It Green (BIG) GreenPoint Rated criteria. Utilities staff have coordinated with the Planning Department on providing New Construction rebates for residents and businesses that exceed these standards.



8 MWELO Implementation How does it work? CALGreen Mandatory Measures, Tiers 1 and 2. Landscape area of any size (new) to 1,000 sf (rehab) Mandatory measures plus tiers 1 and 2 may include: water budget, calculations and landscape plans, separate meters, weather-based irrigation controllers, minimum 70% irrigation efficiency, water waste prevention plans for recycled water use. Landscape area greater than 1,500 square feet must also meet potable water reduction ETo 55% - 60%

9 MWELO Implementation How does it work? In line with City’s sustainability and water conservation efforts, Compliments other ordinances such as Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (AB 1881) Storm Water, Water Waste Reduction, Recycled Water, Energy Efficiency Plan, Zero Waste, Green Building, Integrated Pest Management, Climate Protection Plan, and The City’s pledge to support Bay Friendly landscaping. Helps to achieve City’s 20% by 2020 target

10 MWELO Implementation How does it work? Build-it-Green GreenPoint Rated BiG has modified GPR to conform to CALGreen New SFR & MFR checklists will be available by 01/01/11 For comparison between CALGreen & BiG GPR, see: omparison_v1-0%20Sep01.pdf omparison_v1-0%20Sep01.pdf LEED National rating system Will not be modified to conform to CALGreen Difficult to determine overall equivalency with CALGreen Some analyses suggest LEED Silver ~ CALGreen Tier 2 For comparison between CALGreen & LEED, see: mparison_%20v1-0%20Sep01.pdf mparison_%20v1-0%20Sep01.pdf

11 MWELO Implementation How does it work? Maintain existing Green Building standards Rely on BiG GPR for residential projects Modified Tier 1 & 2 required for non-residential projects Consolidate sustainability requirements found throughout PAMC into CALGreen Incorporate performance standards (reviews/audits)

12 MWELO Implementation How does it work? Water Efficient Design Checklist Water Budget Calculation – OR – Turf Grass Limitation Landscape & Irrigation Design Plans ET Controllers Dedicated Meters Post-Installation Audit Maintenance Schedule

13 MWELO Implementation How does it work? Training – agency staff, designers, contractors, owners Press Releases Bill inserts Website information Email blasts, informational pieces Provide materials to other interested stakeholders Environmental groups/NGOs, professional groups Workshops with BAWSCA and SCVWD Educational materials for best management practices at Development Center

14 MWELO Implementation How does it work? Recycled Water CALGreen will move to the Building Code the current Recycled Water section of the Municipal Code dealing with construction and renovation. All applications for permits within the recycled water project area and all projects with landscape area greater than 1,500 square feet must include infrastructure and plans for recycled water use when available. New nonresidential buildings and facilities are required to dual-plumb for potable and recycled water use.

15 MWELO Implementation How does it work? o Planning and Utilities Department coordinated an inter- departmental team to work on the code. o September 1, 2010: Planning Commission (PTC) o September 1, 2010: Utilities Advisory Commission o September 20, 2010: City Council Study Session o October 13, 2010: PTC formal review and recommendation of Municipal Code Chapter 18.44 changes o November 8, 2010: City Council review and adoption of ordinance

16 MWELO Implementation How does it work? Able to condition approval of building permit or certificate of occupancy upon compliance with Ordinance, Already conduct on-site surveys for compliance through the Green Building Program, Can impose fines and penalties for non-compliance through Administrative Penalty Schedule, Can record violations of over-watering, and May monitor water use to ensure compliance.

17 MWELO Reporting How does it work? Sustainability Environmental Assessment Report To City Council

18 MWELO Options Presenter Recommendations Work with local municipality Planning and Building Departments Enforcement trigger Local landscape industry contacts Streamline Process Regional templates Self certification Performance based options Incentives – graywater, recycled water, green roofs

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