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Created by Mildred, Queen of Earth Science $200 Heat Transfer Heat Stuff Assorted Heat Stuff TemperatureMisc. Heat $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600.

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2 Created by Mildred, Queen of Earth Science

3 $200 Heat Transfer Heat Stuff Assorted Heat Stuff TemperatureMisc. Heat $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Final DOUBLE Jeopardy

4 This is a general term that describes all poor conductors of heat. What is an INSULATOR?

5 This is how heat could be transferred from the sun to Pluto. What is RADIATION?

6 This two-word phrase is most closely associated with heat transfer by convection. What is “DENSITY DIFFERENCES”?

7 This phrase is most closely associated with heat transfer by conduction. What is “Collision of Molecules”?

8 What is “the difference in temperature”? This determines the RATE of heat transfer between source and sink.


10 This term describes heat energy given off by the Earth. What is TERRESTRIAL or INFRA RED radiation?

11 In this, the energy lost by the source must be equal to the energy gained by the sink. What is a CLOSED SYSTEM?

12 As the average kinetic energy of a substance increases, so does this. What is its TEMPERATURE?

13 This term describes the change in phase from liquid water to water vapor. What is VAPORATION or EVAPORATION?

14 This is the number of joules gained by a gram of ice as it melts. What is 334?

15 This is room temperature in degrees Celsius. What is 20 degrees?

16 This term describes the phase change of water as it goes from vapor to liquid. What is CONDENSATION?

17 Water does this as its temperature drops from 3.98 degrees down to 0 degrees Celsius. What is EXPANDS

18 The intensity of insolation does this if measured from sunrise until sunset. What is INCREASES and then DECREASES.

19 300 degrees Kelvin is this many degrees Fahrenheit. What is 80?

20 Water freezes at this temperature Kelvin. What is 273 degrees

21 Absolute zero At what temperature does all molecular motion stop? Or What is 0 degree Kelvin or –273 degrees Celcius.

22 The highest of these temperatures: 40 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 dregees Celcius, or 280 degrees Kelvin. What is 280 degrees Kelvin?

23 The size of a Celsius degree compared to a Kelvin degree. What is “The same”?

24 Human body temperature in degrees Kelvin. What is 310 degrees?

25 The amount of heat released when a gram of water condenses. What is 2260 Joules?

26 This surface is the best absorber. What is DARK and ROUGH?


28 This will occur as long as the amount of insolation received is greater that the amount of infra red that is reradiated. What is an INCREASE IN TEMPERATURE?

29 Reflected, refracted, or absorbed. What can happen to electromagnetic energy when it strikes an object?

30 90% of all solar energy is in this form. What is visible light?

31 FINAL JEOPARDY ? Science Teachers

32 Who is the best looking, sexiest, and greatest science teacher in the entire universe?

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