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ENDA-TM1 18th World Energy Congress 21-25 October, 2001 Buenos Aires - Argentina Energy and Climate Change: The Challenges of the Kyoto Protocol and Prospects.

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Presentation on theme: "ENDA-TM1 18th World Energy Congress 21-25 October, 2001 Buenos Aires - Argentina Energy and Climate Change: The Challenges of the Kyoto Protocol and Prospects."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENDA-TM1 18th World Energy Congress 21-25 October, 2001 Buenos Aires - Argentina Energy and Climate Change: The Challenges of the Kyoto Protocol and Prospects for Africa Dr Youba SOKONA ENDA-TM 54 Rue Carnot, Dakar, SENEGAL Tel.: 221-8225983/8222496; Fax: 221-8217595 Email:;

2 ENDA-TM2 CONTEXT AND OPPORTUNITIES z Diverse Energy Resources z Huge Unmet Demands for Modern Fuels & Electricity z Much of Future Infrastructure not yet Designed of Built z Few Established Energy System to Protect or to Absorb into New Strategies z Regional Cooperation and Market Reform in Progress z Scarcity in Abundance

3 ENDA-TM3 ENERGY CHALLENGES z Development of Fossil Fuel Sources z Role and Place of Renewable Energy z Meeting Growing Urban Needs z Widening Rural Energy Access z Regional Co-operation and Trade z Energy–Environment–Development Nexus

4 ENDA-TM4 CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUES z Very Low GHG Emissions in Short and Mid-terms z Wide Range of Technological Choices z Particular Vulnerability to Adverse Impacts of Climate Change z Heavily Dependant on Natural Resources (Biomass for Energy) z Integrating Local and Global Environmental Issues z Revisit Development Strategies from New Perspective (Sustainable Development)

5 ENDA-TM5 THE KYOTO PROTOCOL CALLS FOR z A Move Toward Low Carbon Intensive Systems z New Forms of North-South Co-operation (CDM) z New and Additional Financial Assistance for DCs z Climate Friendly Technology Transfer z Capacity Building z Increase Resilience of DCs to Cope with Adverse Impacts of Climate Change

6 ENDA-TM6 THE BASIC TRADE-OFFS FOR AFRICA z How to Establish and Expand Energy Systems which are: y Socially Equitable y Economically Viable y Environmentally Sound and y Institutionally Coherent

7 ENDA-TM7 KYOTO-BUENOS AIRES & THE BONN AGREEMENT ? z A Landmark for the Kyoto Process z Compromise Between Conflicting Wide Range of Interests z Significant Achievement from Emission Trading perspectives and CDM in Particular z A First Step in a Complex Long Term Issue

8 ENDA-TM8 CDM IN BONN AGREEMENT CONTEXT z The Size of the Market will be much Smaller than Projected z Small Demand for CDM Projects z Concentration of Projects in few Countries with Adequate Infrastructure z Limited Opportunity for Low and Mid-Income DCs to Participate to the Game

9 ENDA-TM9 TO CONCLUDE z Energy & CC Equation in Africa is a Headache and the Prospects for Adequate Solution will Depend on: y Political Will y Successful Outcome of COP7 and Subsequent Negotiations y Real Capacity Building and Capacity Retention y Technology Transfer y Financial Resources

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