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WS: Types of Energy 1. Chemical 2. Chemical 3. Nuclear 4. Heat 5. Electromagnetic 6. Chemical 7. Heat 8. Mechanical 9. Electromagnetic 10. Nuclear.

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Presentation on theme: "WS: Types of Energy 1. Chemical 2. Chemical 3. Nuclear 4. Heat 5. Electromagnetic 6. Chemical 7. Heat 8. Mechanical 9. Electromagnetic 10. Nuclear."— Presentation transcript:


2 WS: Types of Energy 1. Chemical 2. Chemical 3. Nuclear 4. Heat 5. Electromagnetic 6. Chemical 7. Heat 8. Mechanical 9. Electromagnetic 10. Nuclear

3 Lecture: Fossil Fuels

4 Nonrenewable Energy Source: An energy source that we are using faster than the earth can replace it.

5 Types of Nonrenewable Energy Sources n Fossil Fuels (Coal/Oil/Natural Gas) n Nuclear

6 Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels provide over 85 % (As of 2005) of the energy used in the United States.

7 Types of Fossil Fuels n Coal n Oil/Natural gas n Natural gas produces the least amount of air pollutants.

8 Coal n Swamp plants n Releases hydrogen and oxygen n Mostly made of Carbon

9 Coal Deposits in the U.S.


11 Stages of Coal n Swamp Plants n Peat n Lignite n Bituminous Coal (Soft Coal) n Anthracite (Hard Coal)

12 Oil/Natural Gas n Ocean plants and animals n Pressure produces liquids and gases n Gasoline

13 Major Oil Producing Locations in the US

14 Advantages n Inexpensive n Plentiful (At this time) n Easily transported (oil and gas only) n No residue (oil and gas only) n Better as space heating energy source than other types. source than other types.

15 Disadvantages n Nonrenewable n Mined, processed, and transported (Coal) n Acid rain n Requires expensive air pollution controls for mercury and sulfur dioxide. (Coal)

16 Disadvantages (cont.) n Releases heat into local environment n Buried deep in the Earth. n Exploration, transportation, & refined n Distance to the user.

17 Disadvantages (cont.) n Leaks n A contributor to Global Warming n Requires expensive transportation system

18 Questions ????

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