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Recycle Rosie for K-2nd. Americans generate approximately 1-2 bags of trash each day.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycle Rosie for K-2nd. Americans generate approximately 1-2 bags of trash each day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycle Rosie for K-2nd

2 Americans generate approximately 1-2 bags of trash each day.

3 A class of students can generate the weight of 8 elephants in trash a year.

4 This makes our Landfills full and dirty…

5 Luckily, Recycle Rosie can help YOU to change this!

6 The Recycle Rosie Program travels the world teaching kids about the 3 R’s.

7 Recycle Rosie is a Recycling Truck. People like me go around teaching kids how to save the environment by recycling items at home and in their classrooms.


9 Now it’s your turn. Can you name the 3 R’s?

10 REDUCE Reduce the use of items that can only be used once. Instead, try using both sides of paper before getting rid of it.

11 REUSE Find other uses for items that could be thrown away.

12 Collect items that would otherwise be trash and can no longer be reused and put them in a recycle bin to be recycled. RECYCLE

13 Good job! You sure do learn fast! We are going to make a great team! Now lets look at a few recyclable items.

14 PaperCansPlastic These are all common items found in your school that you can RECYCLE!

15 Can you find the plastic bottle?

16 Can you find the can?

17 Can you find the paper?

18 Very Good! Now that you are a pro at finding items that can be Recycled, lets look at where to put them.

19 These are some items that can go in the Recycle Bin.

20 These are some items that can go in the trash can.

21 By Recycling the items in your classroom you will be saving trees, water, energy, landfills, and many others things in our environment.

22 I am counting on you to help save our environment! All you need to remember are the 3 R’s…


24 That was your best time yet! Now go help Recycle Rosie make a difference in the world by recycling.

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