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Learning by Design Using LEED to enhance teaching and learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning by Design Using LEED to enhance teaching and learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning by Design Using LEED to enhance teaching and learning

2 What is LEED?  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design  Certified by the US Green Building Council  Provides a true measure of a building’s sustainability  Requires commitment, planning, budget, and follow through  Will change how we build schools in Stillwater

3 LEED: Sustainable Sites 24/110 points  Construction Pollution Prevention (req)  Site assessment (req)  Community connectivity (walkability)  Alt transportation (Bus, Bikes, etc.)  Site development (Habitat and open space)  Stormwater design (bio-swale)  Heat Island (roof)  Joint Use (Community School)

4 Water Efficiency 11/110 points  Water Use Reduction by 20% (req)  Water Efficient Landscaping  Innovative Wastewater Technologies  Water Use Reduction

5 Energy and Atmosphere 33/110 points  Building Commissioning (req)  Minimum Energy Performance (req)  Fundamental Refrigerant Management (req)  Optimize Energy Performance  On-Site Renewable Energy  Measurement and Verification  Lighting and Thermal Comfort Control*

6 Materials and Resources 13/110 points  Storage and Collection of Recyclables (req)  Construction Waste Mgt.  Materials Reuse  Recycled Content  Regional Materials  Rapidly Renewable Materials  Certified Wood

7 Indoor Environmental Quality 19/110 points  Minimum Air Quality Performance (req)  Minimum Acoustical Performance (req)  Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring  Increased Ventilation  IAQ Management Plan  Low Emitting Materials  Controllability of Systems (lighting/temperature)  Thermal Comfort Design and Verification  Daylight and Views, Acoustics, Mold Prevention

8 Innovation and Design Process 6/110 points  Joint Use  Design  LEED AP  School as a teaching tool

9 Regional Priority Credits 4/110 points  Brownfield Redevelopment  Habitat Restoration or Protection  Stormwater Design  Construction Waste Management

10 LEED Totals  Certified: 40-49 Points  Silver: 50-59 Points  Gold: 60-79 Points  Platinum: 80-110 Points

11 Our Schools  Highland Park: Silver  Will Rogers: Gold

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