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The WWF’s ne Planet Living campaign - Moscow, Russian Federation, 14/11/08 Gaël Léopold Manager, Corporate Partnerships Coordinator, OPL Francophone Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "The WWF’s ne Planet Living campaign - Moscow, Russian Federation, 14/11/08 Gaël Léopold Manager, Corporate Partnerships Coordinator, OPL Francophone Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The WWF’s ne Planet Living campaign - Moscow, Russian Federation, 14/11/08 Gaël Léopold Manager, Corporate Partnerships Coordinator, OPL Francophone Europe WWF International

2 The WWF Living Planet report

3 Global impact

4 Ecological footprint - definition 13.6 billion hectares available for 6.5 billion human beings fair share of the earth’s ressources = 2.1 hectares per person

5 Some ecological footprints USA : 4.5 planets France: 2.3 planets Russian Federation : 1.8 planets

6 Food Waste Travel Energy Hols Example of European ecofootprint

7 BedZED – satellite view

8 BedZED – pilot project

9 BedZED – energy

10 BedZED – pilot project





15 One Planet Living

16 The OPL vision "A world in which people everywhere can lead happy, healthy lives within their fair share of the earth's resources."

17 The OPL aim promote To promote One Planet Living to: Businesses, Individuals, Governments,... tobring changes.... to bring changes.

18 The framework – 10 OPL principles

19 Sustainability Action Plan – SAP PRINCIPLE CHALLENGE ONE PLANET LIVING STRATEGY Zero Carbon Reduce carbon dioxide emissions from buildings to zero Implement energy efficiency in buildings and infrastructure; supply energy from renewable sources Zero Waste Minimise waste generation and reduce flows of waste to landfill to zero Reduce waste through design; encourage re-use; recycling and composting; generate energy from waste cleanly; eliminate the concept of waste as part of a resource-efficient society Sustainable Transport Minimise carbon dioxide emissions from transport Provide transport systems and masterplanning which reduce dependence on fossil fuel use, e.g., by cars and airplanes. Local and Sustainable Materials Minimise negative environmental impact of materials used in construction and products Optimise use of local, reclaimed and recycled materials; utilise low and zero toxicity materials and local sourcing Local and Sustainable Food Minimise environmental degradation and greenhouse gas emissions due to food production, processing, packaging and transport Demonstrate and promote local and low input food production that has positive environmental benefits Sustainable Water Minimise negative environmental impact of water use and management Implement water efficiency, re-use and recycling; minimise water extraction and pollution; foster sustainable water management in the landscape; restore natural water cycles Natural Habitats and Wildlife Prevent biodiversity loss and regenerate degraded environments Protect or regenerate existing natural environments and the habitats they provide to fauna and flora; create new habitats Culture and Heritage Retain and build on local cultural heritage and diversity Protect or revive cultural heritage and the sense of local and regional identity, foster a new culture of sustainability Equity and Fair Trade Ensure that impacts on other communities are positive Prioritise equity and fair trade within the OPL Community to ensure it has a beneficial impact on other communities both locally and globally, notably disadvantaged communities Health and HappinessIncrease health and well-being Promote healthy lifestyles and genuine physical, mental and spiritual well being via tailored community design and community engagement measures, as well as by delivering sound social and environmental outcomes.

20 UK BedZED Brighton Gallions London Project Portugal Mata de Sesimbra South Africa Johannesburg Cape Town Durban China Guangzhou Shanghai USA Washington DC New Orleans California The OPL flagship communities network Abu Dhabi Masdar


22 The urban project Expected performances 40% less electricity -95% energy for heating -60% water heating CO2 neutrality -40% building waste -50% CO2 in construction 50% recycled materials 50% goods within 50 km


24 Engaging with business

25 One Planet Business To help companies reduce their ecological footprint: 1.understanding a company’s EF 2.developing a Sustainability Action Plan 3.implementing selected strategies 4.monitoring and endorsement

26 One Planet Business


28 Benefits for companies Benefits reducing charges (electricity, water, etc) positioning itself as a green products/services provider anticipating future stricter national and international regulations creating a positive dynamic among staff contributing to the overall effort against environmental disruption

29 For more information, please visit our website: oneplanetliving www. or contact me at

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