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Board $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 Plate Tectonics Boundaries Vocab Earth quakes PotpourriVolcanoes $2 $4 $8 $10.

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Presentation on theme: "Board $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 Plate Tectonics Boundaries Vocab Earth quakes PotpourriVolcanoes $2 $4 $8 $10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 $4 $8 $10 $20 $2 Plate Tectonics Boundaries Vocab Earth quakes PotpourriVolcanoes $2 $4 $8 $10 $20

2 Plate Tectonics: $2 Study of the formation and movement of plates

3 What is plate tectonics?

4 Plate Tectonics: $4 Crust and upper mantle

5 What is Lithosphere?

6 Plate Tectonics: $8 Plates move across the top of

7 What is asthenosphere?

8 Plate Tectonics: $10 method by which plate move

9 What is convection currents?

10 Plate Tectonics: $20 An evidence for plate tectonics

11 What is: Fossils in S. Am & Africa Fossils in S. Am & Africa Coal in Antarctica Magnetism Plates like puzzles

12 Boundaries: $2 San Andreas fault is an example

13 What is Transform?

14 Boundaries: $4 Two plates move away from each other

15 What is divergent?

16 Boundaries: $8 Continent and ocean plates collide

17 What is Convergent?

18 Boundaries: $10 Name of large underwater divergent boundary

19 What is Mid- Atlantic Ridge?

20 Boundaries: $20 Name of Continent- continent divergence

21 What is East African Rift?

22 Vocab: $2 Located around the pacific ocean where lots of volcanoes occur

23 What is Ring of Fire?

24 Vocab: $4 Supercontintent

25 What is Pangaea?

26 Daily Double! Double!

27 Vocab: $8 This is formed when two oceanic plates diverge

28 What is RidgeWhat is Ridge?

29 Vocab: $10 This is what occurs when a continental and oceanic plate converge

30 What is trench or subduction zoneWhat is trench or subduction zone?

31 Vocab: $20 When hot magma rises, then cools and sinks

32 What is a convection current?

33 Earthquakes: $2 Found directly above the focus

34 What is epicenter?

35 Earthquakes: $4 The fastest earthquake wave

36 What is a p-wave?

37 Earthquakes: $8 Most earthquakes occur along

38 What is plate boundaries?

39 Earthquakes: $10 The intensity of an earthquake is related to this

40 What is the amount of energy released?

41 Earthquakes: $20 Seismic waves that travel along the surface

42 What is L-waves?

43 Volcanoes: $2 molten rock on the surface of the Earth

44 What is lava?

45 Volcanoes: $4 Opening in a volcano

46 What is a crater?

47 Volcanoes: $8 Small tephra fragments

48 What is ash?

49 Daily Double!

50 Volcanoes: $10 More explosive volcanoes contain this

51 What is dissolved gases?

52 Volcanoes: $20 Gentle slopes formed by slow lava flow

53 What is shield volcano?

54 Final Jeopardy Category: Plate boundaries

55 Final Jeopardy Label A, B and C A B C

56 What is A=convection current B=subduction zone C=ridge ?

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