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Global Economy, Energy and Environment: An Overview.

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1 Global Economy, Energy and Environment: An Overview

2 GDP (Trillion US$ 1990) 0 5 10 15 20 25 19911993199519971999 GDP Developed Developing Transition

3 Global Population (Billion) 0 1 2 3 4 5 19911993199519971999 Population Developed Developing Transition

4 GDP and Population Share - 1999 Population GDP 73% 23% 4% DevelopedDevelopingTransition 14% 78% 8%

5 GDP and Population Share - 1999 32% 4% 31% 3% 4% 2% 24% North America Central and South America Western Europe Eastern Europe and Former U.S.S.R Middle East Africa Far East & Oceania 7% 8% 3% 13% 55% PopulationGDP

6 Global Energy Consumption (10 15 Btu) 0 50 100 150 200 250 19911993199519971999 Consumption Developed Developing Transition

7 Global Carbon Emissions (BTCE) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 19911993199519971999 Emissions Developed Developing Transition BTCE: Billion Tons of Carbon Equivalent

8 Shares of Energy and Carbon Emissions - 1999 Carbon EmissionsEnergy Consumption 52% 34% 14% 48% 38% 14% DevelopedDevelopingTransition

9 Share of Energy and Carbon Emissions - 1999 31% 5% 18% 13% 4% 3% 26% North America Central and South America Western Europe Eastern Europe and Former U.S.S.R Middle East Africa Far East & Oceania 28% 4% 17% 13% 5% 4% 29% Carbon EmissionsEnergy Consumption

10 Global Energy Production (10 15 Btu) 0 40 80 120 160 200 19911993199519971999 Energy Production Developed Developin g Transition

11 Primary Energy Production (1999) 36% 48% 16% Developed Developing Transition

12 World Primary Energy Production - 1999 25% 7% 12% 16% 14% 7% 19% North America Central and South America Western Europe Eastern Europe and Former U.S.S.R Middle East Africa Far East & Oceania

13 Per Capita GDP (1999) (Thousand 1990 US$)

14 Energy Intensity of GDP - 1999 (Thousand Btu /1990 US$) 0 15 30 45 60 DevelopedTransitionDeveloping Energy Intensity

15 Carbon Intensity of GDP - 1999 (TC/Million 1990 US$) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 DevelopedTransitionDeveloping Carbon Intensity

16 Per Capita Energy Consumption - 1999 (Billion Btu/ person) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 DevelopedTransitionDeveloping Energy/ Person

17 Per Capita Carbon Emission - 1999 (TC/ person) 0 1 2 3 4 DevelopedTransition Developing Carbon/ Person

18 Structural Changes in Developing Economies

19 GDP Trends in Selected Countries (1990 = 1.0) Period: 1966-95 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 China Germany Japan Mexico USA France India Korea Tunisia

20 Economic Development Phases Phase Time High Growth Medium Growth Medium -Low Growth Low Growth Phase Under developed Phase Developing Time Developed High Growth Medium Growth Medium -Low Growth Low Growth

21 Relationship between GDP AAGR and Shares of Manufacturing 9

22 Average Annual Growth Rate of Total Population in Selected Countries (%) Critical Trends, UN, 1997 Country60’s80’s00’s20’s China2. India2. USA1. Japan1.00.60.0-0.4 Germany0.70.10.0-0.3 Brazil2. Poland1. Tunisia2.

23 Average Annual Growth Rate of Urban Population in Selected Countries (%) Critical Trends, UN, 1997 Country60’s80’s00’s20’s China3. India3. USA1. Japan2.40.70.3-0.2 Germany1.10.50.2-0.2 Brazil5. Poland1. Tunisia4.

24 Illiteracy Rate (Over 15 Years Old) Statistical Yearbook, UNESCO, 1994 CountryYear(%) Canada1986 3.4 Former Soviet Union1989 2.0 Rep. of Korea1990 3.7 Poland1978 1.2 China199022.2 Brazil199120.1 Tunisia198942.7

25 GDP Shares of Sectors in Selected Countries Statistical Yearbook, UNESCO, 1994 Country YearAgricultureIndustriesServices USA 19702.734.862.4 19912.027.071.0 Japan 19706.146.647.3 19912.039.059.0 Mexico 197012.030.058.0 19918.030.062.0 Malaysia 197029.028.043.0 199117.043.040.0 China 197040.041.019.0 199128.049.023.0 India 197042.021.037.0 199132.028.040.0

26 Number of Vehicles per 100 People (1992) World Automotive Market Report 1994-95 CountryTotalPassenger Car Tunisia 6.0 3.8 Brazil 8.6 7.9 Mexico12.3 8.3 USA74.656.5 India 0.6 0.3 Japan49.531.3 China 0.6 0.2 Czech Republic25.622.3 Poland20.516.9 Germany52.348.7 Netherlands41.637.3 Australia56.645.0

27 Number of Radio and Television per 1000 People (1992) Statistical Yearbook, UNESCO, 1994 Country RadioTelevision Zimbabwe 84 27.0 USA 2,118815.0 Argentina 683221.0 Brazil 386208.0 China 182 31.0 India 80 37.0 Japan 908614.0 Thailand 192114.0 France 889408.0 Hungary 599414.0 Poland 435295.0 UK 1,146435.0

28 Fossil Contribution to CO2 Emissions Climate Change Policy Initiatives – 1995/96 Updated, vol. 2, “Selected Non-IEA Countries”, OECD/IEA, 1996 AfricaAsia/ Pacific Latin America OECDWorld Coal 1996 (%)44.556.17.731.037.7 Oil 1996 (%)42.737.171.748.742.8 Nat. Gas 1996 %12.86.820.620.319.5 90-96 Coal cha.%18.324.5-3.8-0.32.6 90-96 Oil cha. %16.337.310.97.85.7 90-96 Gas cha. %33.461.931.423.215.1 90-96 Tot.cha. %

29 Global GDP (1990 US$ Trillion) 0 5 10 15 20 25 19911993199519971999 GDP Developed Developing Transition

30 Country Comparisons

31 Selected Countries Developing Countries China India Indonesia Brazil South Africa Developed Countries France Germany Japan Russia S. Korea U.K US.A

32 GDP (Billion 1990 US$)

33 Population (Million)

34 Energy Consumption (10 15 Btu)

35 Carbon Emission (MTCE) MTCE: Million Ton of Carbon Equivalent

36 Energy Production (10 15 Btu)

37 Per Capita GDP - 1999 (Thousand 1990 US$)

38 Energy Intensity - 1999 (Thousand Btu/1990 US$) 0 8 16 24 32 40 China India Indonesia Brazil S. Africa Energy Intensity 0 20 40 60 80 France Germany Japan Russia S. Korea UK USA

39 Carbon Intensity - 1999 (TC/Million 1990 US$) Indonesia S. Africa 0 200 400 600 800 China India Brazil Carbon Intensity 0 300 600 900 1200 France Germany Japan Russia S. Korea UK USA

40 Energy Consumption Per Capita - 1999 (Billion Btu/Person) 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 China India Indonesia Brazil S. Africa Energy/ Person 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 France Germany Japan Russia S. Korea UK USA

41 Carbon Emissions Per Capita - 1999 (TC/ Person) 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 China India Indonesia Brazil S. Africa Carbon / person Germany 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 France Japan Russia S. Korea UK USA

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