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©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved San Jose, CR CARBON POLITICS IN THE US September 28, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved San Jose, CR CARBON POLITICS IN THE US September 28, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved San Jose, CR CARBON POLITICS IN THE US September 28, 2011

2 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved Social and cultural change Litigation Obama clean energy agenda Regional carbon markets Voluntary initiatives CARBON REDUCTION DRIVERS

3 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved Massachusetts v. EPA: 12 states sued EPA to force it regulate GHGs as air pollutants Supreme Court ordered EPA to determine if GHGs endanger public health and welfare Endangerment finding issued in December 2009 EPA begins permitting requirements in January 2011 EPA GREENHOUSE GAS REGULATIONS

4 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved Unparalleled investment and attention Scrutiny of fossil fuel subsidies Win the Future campaign 80% renewable energy by 2035 Increased investment in innovation Tapping private capital markets Better Building Initiative OBAMA CLEAN ENERGY AGENDA

5 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved Chicago Climate Exchange California cap-and-trade program Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) – 10 Northeast & Mid-Atlantic states Western Climate Initiative (WCI) 6 states and 4 Canadian provinces Arizona withdrew in February 2011 REGIONAL CARBON MARKETS

6 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved Economic downturn Growing political opposition Climate skeptics have rebounded 2010 elections ensured GHG regulation difficult Conflicting signals from government Recent Obama Administration decisions September 27 delayed release of CAFÉ standards Ozone rule withdrawn CHALLENGES

7 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved Significant shift since 2010 Republican victory 2012 elections will determine future of GHG regulations in the U.S. Job creation will be #1 issue Republicans currently hold upper hand CURRENT POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT

8 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved New focus on austerity measures and spending cuts Rigorous oversight from House Republicans Need to tie energy legislation to jobs and energy security ENERGY POLICY ENVIRONMENT

9 ©2011 Center For Environmental Innovation in Roofing, All Rights Reserved 30% Investment Tax Credit Treasury Grant Program – Section 1603 DOE Loan Guarantee Program Solyndra RENEWABLE ENERGY INCENTIVES

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