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06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Janne Kanner CSC – Scientific Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Janne Kanner CSC – Scientific Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Janne Kanner CSC – Scientific Computing Ltd. CSC – Scientific Computing Ltd.

2 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Quality-controlled subject gateways Internet resources for higher education and research Selection and collection development - human intellectual effort, documented selection criteria, collection development policy Collection management - maintaining or improving the quality of collection, maintenance policy Resource description - fixed and documented metadata set, well-defined semantic fields (structured searching) Subject classification - indexed by controlled subject classification scheme or thesauri (subject browsing)

3 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus broker A pilot European subject gateway broker service Integrated cross-searching and cross-browsing of distributed resource collections Operates across existing large-scale subject gateways Demonstration of adding one new subject gateway Collaboration of national initiatives Improved access to scientific and cultural resources at existing academic subject gateways Sustainable and improved level of quality in resource discovery

4 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus administrative details Started in January 2000 Duration: 30 months (until June 2002) Project is funded through the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme Promoting a User- friendly Information Society. This is a major theme of the European Unions 5th Framework Programme Total cost: 2 303 608 European project with 12 partners in 7 countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom Total effort: 297 person months

5 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus partners (1/2) Koninklijke Bibliotheek [Project co-ordinator] (National Library of the Netherlands) Bibliothèque Nationale de France (National Library of France) CSC – Scientific Computing Ltd., Finland Die Deutsche Bibliothek (National Library of Germany) Finnish Virtual Library Project, Jyväskylä University Library, Finland Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol, UK

6 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus partners (2/2) NetLab, Lund University, Sweden Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen, Germany Technical Knowledge Centre and Library of Denmark UK Office for Library and Information Networking, University of Bath, UK Viikki Science Library, University of Helsinki, Finland Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation Und –information, Germany

7 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus subject gateways DutchESS: Dutch Electronic Subject Service, The Netherlands SSG-FI: Math, Geo, History and Anglo Guides, Germany DAINet: Agricultural Information System, Germany DEPOSIT: German Online Dissertations, Germany GENRES: Genetic resources, Germany RDN: Resource Discovery Network, UK NOVAGate: Forestry, Veterinary and Agriculture, Nordic initiative FVL: The Finnish Virtual Library, Finland EELS: Engineering Electronic Library, Sweden EULER: Mathematics, European initiative

8 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus research End-user and gateway requirements for and benefits from a broker service Metadata and classification standards and conversion Economies of scale, metadata interoperability and sharing between subject gateways Technical solutions, standards, protocols and tools for distributed searching and browsing Multi-linguality on interface and description levels Impact on intellectual property rights and ownership Organisational and business models for a large scale collaborative service

9 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus timeline Work finished Evaluation of existing broker systems and data models End-user and service provider requirements for a broker Scoping (pilot scope, service scope) Functional requirements for the broker and data model Evaluation of technical standards and protocols Business issues impacting functional model Web site, newsletter

10 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus timeline Work in progress Initial architectural model Initial data model Prototype specifications Technical requirements for the participants Organisational model Report on potential participants User guidelines on interoperability

11 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus timeline Work to be done Prototype pilot system Data interoperability (metadata sharing, multilinguality etc.) Documentation and technical reporting Verification and evaluation Final architectural model Operational Renardus pilot system Business models and sustainability of a central service

12 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information End-user and service provider requirements Distributed architecture Dublin Core semantics and RDF/XML syntax for records Multilingual interface Search options: subject, language and original gateway Cross-browsing by subject Notification of new resources (user profiles) Collecting use statistics Identify the original gateway

13 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information

14 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Renardus datamodel A common metadata set and classification needed to realise distributed searching and browsing Dublin Core Metadata Element Set and Qualifiers Title, Creator, Description, Subject, Identifier, Language, Country, Type Subject: Dewey Decimal point Classification + Keywords from controlled vocabularies / thesauri

15 06/02/2014 NORDUnet 2000 : Renardus – The Clever Route to Information Follow the Fox! Follow the Fox! WWW.RENARDUS.ORG Project details - deliverables, participants, work packages etc. News Digest - the latest news and views by e-mail or archive Talking Heads - series of discussions with key people from the library and information community Gateway Focus - definitions, descriptions & links for gateways in Europe Workshop - a workshop for potential participant subject gateways in September 2001 Related reading - related projects, forthcoming conferences and workshops

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