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© GEO Secretariat Review of 2006 Work Plan Tasks Capacity Building Committee Meeting 15-16 September 2006 Brussels Imraan Saloojee & Datong Zhao GEO Secretariat.

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Presentation on theme: "© GEO Secretariat Review of 2006 Work Plan Tasks Capacity Building Committee Meeting 15-16 September 2006 Brussels Imraan Saloojee & Datong Zhao GEO Secretariat."— Presentation transcript:

1 © GEO Secretariat Review of 2006 Work Plan Tasks Capacity Building Committee Meeting 15-16 September 2006 Brussels Imraan Saloojee & Datong Zhao GEO Secretariat

2 © GEO Secretariat 2006 WP: WP and task sheets have been approved as a living document in 5th Executive Committee April 11th. Many tasks have begun but some of them are still in need of coordination (e.g., assignment of POC, lead organization). Q2 Report: 58 of 91* Tasks Reporting 33 of 91* Tasks Not Reporting 11 tasks with Leads and TPOCs assigned did not report 11 tasks have Leads but no TPOC, and did not report 5 tasks have no Leads 2 tasks were completed in Q1 or Q2 2 tasks were postponed *The original number of tasks was 96, but 6 tasks (in Energy) were consolidated into one 06 Task Reporting Overview

3 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 4 - DI-06-02, 03, 10, 13 # of tasks with a slow start6 - DI-06-03, 04, 06, 07, 09, 12 # of tasks with no reported activities4 - DI-06-01, 05, 11, 14 *red indicates tasks under CBC 2006 Task Achievements Regional Fire Alert System launched for Mesoamerica,, April 2006 Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for Integrated Disaster Risk Management Symposium - WMO Geneva, 23-24 May 2006 Approval by COPUOS of SPYDER Programme, June 2006 First meeting of IOC Ad-hoc Working Group on Global Ocean related Hazards Early Warning on Mitigation Systems, UNESCO – Paris, 24 June 2006 SE Asia IGOS Geohazards Workshop – MACRES, Kuala Lumpur 29-30 June 2006 06 WP: Disasters

4 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 2 - HE-06-03, # of tasks with a slow start2 - HE-06-01, 04, 05 # of tasks postponed to 20071 - HE-06-02 *red indicates tasks under CBC 2006 Task Achievements HE-06-03: WWRP/THORPEX Health Application Workshop led to formation of the Health and Climate Partnership for Africa (HCPA) to enhance the use of meteorological information to mitigate health impacts. The HCPA has begun drafting an implementation plan and will review this plan at a meeting in Africa in October, 2006. US EPA is convening an interdisciplinary workshop in September on biodiversity and human health to discuss the state of the science, refine research priorities, and begin discussions on how to integrate existing data into a monitoring and risk- forecasting network mitigate risks of human disease and threats to biodiversity around the world. HE-06-05: Capacity assessment is on schedule for completion this year. 06 WP: Health

5 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 1 - EN-06-04 # of tasks with a slow start0 # of tasks with no reported activities0 2006 Task Achievements Experts identified and working-meeting in August set up to: - refine GEO Energy priorities - define main orientation of 5-10 year Strategic Plan - prepare for 2007 Workshop on Energy and EOs 06 WP: Energy

6 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Status # of tasks which made good progress 3 - CL-06-01, 02,04 # of tasks with a slow start1 - CL-06-05 # of tasks with no reported activities1 - CL-06-03 # of tasks postponed1 - CL-06-06 Achievements CL-06-01: ECMWF/GEO Atmospheric Reanalysis Workshop, Reading, UK, 19-22 June 2006 (reviewed the status and plans for global reanalysis in Europe, Japan and North America). CL-06-02: CEOS-GCOS Workshop, Geneva, 22-24 May 2006 (helped prepare CEOS response to the GCOS report on Observation Requirements for Satellite-based Products for Climate). CL-06-04: GOOS Regional Forum, Cape Town, SA; November 2006 (will facilitate the integration of regional observing capabilities into a global system of ocean observations). 06 WP: Climate

7 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 5 - WA-06-01, 02, 03, 06, 07 # of tasks with a slow start1 - WA-06-05 # of tasks with no reported activities1 - WA-06-04 *red indicates tasks under CBC 2006 Task Achievement WA-06-01: Several workshops on observations organised, such as a GEO/EEA coastal water workshop in Helsinki, November 16 and a water quality workshop in Geneva, January 2007 WA-06-06: Asian water capacity building workshop in Bangkok, September 26-28, African capacity building TIGER/IGWCO workshop at UNEP in Nairobi (location TBD) 06 WP: Water

8 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 4 WE-06-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 # of tasks with a slow start1 WE-06-, see CB # of tasks with no reported activities0 *red indicates tasks under CBC 2006 Task Achievements WE-06-01: Upper air network status review has been carried out. 4 regional instruments and method of observation training workshops were held. We-06-02: WMO approved Implementation Plan for WWW GOS is ready for review and the implementation will continue. Several Satellites were successfully launched by WMO members. More are planned. WE-06-03 : Three data centres are in place and eight data providers committed to provide global forecasts, workshops to be held Dec.2006. WE-06-04: WMO prepared IGDDS Implementation Plan which is ready to submitted to IGDDS workshop on 31 Aug. In framework of WIS, ADMs will be operated in more regions like south America and Asia-Pacific area. 06 WP: Weather

9 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Status # of tasks which made good progress 2 - EC-06-02, 07 # of tasks with a slow start2 - EC-06-01, 05 # of tasks with no reported activities3 - EC-06-03, 04, 06 *red indicates tasks under CBC 2006 Task Achievements EC-06-02 and BI-06-01: Ecosystem Classification Working Group 1 st Meeting, Asunción, Paraguay, 11-15 September 2006 EC-06-07: Workshop of the Chlorophyll Pilot Study Group (also referred to as the extended Antares network). Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 18-22 September 2006 06 WP: Ecosystem

10 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress:3 - AG-06-03, 04, # of tasks with a slow start:1 - AG-06-06, 07 # of tasks with no reported activities:3 - AG-06-01, 02, 05 *red indicates tasks under CBC 2006 Task Achievements AG-06-03: Task Leads formed working group to establish specifications for developing global high resolution land cover data sets. Workshops are planned for 2006 and 2007. AG-06-04: The GEO Secretariat, with a number of co-sponsors, is organizing the 1st Global Forest Monitoring Symposium to be held in early 2007. A Symposium Science Steering Committee has been formed and a draft agenda and participant list developed. AG-06-07: Training opportunities and modules to demonstrate the usage of Earth observation data products for agricultural sectors in development countries are currently under review. A training plan in this context is being defined and will be harmonized with the capacity building strategy under development. 06 WP: Agriculture

11 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 3- BI-06-01, 02, 03 # of tasks with a slow start0 # of tasks with no reported activities2 - BI-06-04, 05 2006 Task Achievements BI-06-02: User and Provider workshop DIVERSITAS, 3 rd or 4th Quarter 2006 BI-06-03: Specimen and Observational Data Workshop, GBIF 4th Quarter 2006 University of Copenhagen (tentative 23-25 October 2006) 06 WP: Biodiversity

12 © GEO Secretariat GEONETCast Achievements CB-06-04 EC workshop was held on 3 May in Brussels The first official meeting of GEONETCast was held in Seattle. Successfully demonstrated at EC workshop, GEO CB workshop in May, and ADC meeting in July. 06 WP: GEONETCast

13 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 0 # of tasks with a slow start3 - US-06-01, 02, 03 # of tasks with no reported activities0 06 WP: User Engagement

14 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress: 6 AR-06-01 - Interoperability arrangement AR-06-03 - GEOSS components consensus on linkage AR-06-04 - GEOSS components process AR-06-06 - DEM Guidance AR-06-10 - GPM AR-06-11 - Radio Frequency Protection # of tasks with a slow start: 3 AR-06-02 - GEOSS convergence and interoperability document AR-06-05 - Clearinghouse AR-06-08 - In-situ expansion # of tasks with no reported activities: 2 AR-06-07 - In-situ inventory- AR-06-09 - Landsat follow-on 06 WP: Architecture (1)

15 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Achievements Interoperability documents are under review for: - AR-06-01: Process for Reaching Interoperability Arrangement - AR-06-03: How the GEOSS Architecture Links Components of GEOSS - AR-06-04: GEOSS Component Registration Form AR-06-05: Slow start (but demo made at IEEE GEOSS workshop in Beijing) AR-06-06: preliminary survey for example DEM products AR-06-10: GPM, progress w.r.t. implementation by NASA, JAXA, WMO AR-06-11: GEO statement submitted on radio frequency protection to RSPG 06 WP: Architecture (2)

16 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress: 2 DA-06-02 - Quality assurance DA-06-05 - Guidance document # of tasks with a slow start: 2 DA-06-01 - Data sharing principles (no lead at first) DA-06-09 - Best practices # of tasks with no reported activities: 4 DA-06-03 - Ensemble techniques DA-06-04 - Harmonization across SBAs DA-06-06 - Spatial data infrastructures (SDI) DA-06-07 - Web portal # of tasks postponed: 1 DA-06-08 - Geo-referenced maps (proposal for comb. with CB Task) 06 WP: Data Management (1)

17 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Achievements DA-06-01: A dialogue was established with CODATA and led to an extensive exchange of ideas on the initiation of the task in terms of practical applications of data sharing principles. DA-06-02: Production of White Paper on the definition of standards for quality assurance of derived products and a concept for a web based Cal/Val portal are being elaborated. DA-06-05: Draft work plan for the guidance document is being developed 06 WP: Data Management (2)

18 © GEO Secretariat 2006 Task Status # of tasks which made good progress 2 - CB-06-01, 02, # of tasks with a slow start1 - CB 06 03 # of tasks with no reported activities0 2006 Task Achievements Completed limited sample survey of EO related capacity building activities Capacity building workshop in Brazil Developing GEO capacity building strategy 06 WP: Capacity Building

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