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1 Report of the Planning Coordination Committee Report to the WECC Annual Meeting April 20, 2006 Robert Jenkins, PCC Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Report of the Planning Coordination Committee Report to the WECC Annual Meeting April 20, 2006 Robert Jenkins, PCC Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Report of the Planning Coordination Committee Report to the WECC Annual Meeting April 20, 2006 Robert Jenkins, PCC Chair

2 2 Major Roles of the PCC PCC Reliability Standards Reliability Assessment Model Development Planning Coordination

3 3 PCC Accomplishments 2005 Power Supply Assessment Incorporation of WECC Power Supply Design Criteria Adverse Temperature Sensitivity Formation of the Loads & Resources Subcommittee 2005 Annual Study Program Disturbance Monitor Installation Improved Base Case Preparation Process Production Simulation Program Task Force Wind Generation Task Force

4 4 Transmission Projects Under Consideration Palo Verde–Devers II Green Path Project IV-San Felipe Indian Hills - Upland Sunrise Powerlink Robinson Summit- Harry Allen 500 kV Southwest Intertie Project Montana Alberta Tie Line Trans-West Express Project Navajo Transmission Project Segment 1 Frontier Project John Day-McNary TransBay DC Line Northern Lights Miracle Mile-Ault Colorado-New Mexico Interconnection Project Tehachapi Wind Interconnection Seabreeze DC

5 5 PCC 2006/7 Goals Modeling Implement improvements to system load models and wind generator models. Reduce the number of late base case data submittals and data errors Complete the installation of the disturbance monitors during 2006. Resolve Data Confidentiality and Data Access by Members, Subcommittee, and Task Force members Improved Assessment Enhance the Adequacy of Supply Assessment by including Resource Adequacy Guidelines, Metrics, and Targets Develop recommendation concerning the TRDTF Database by Oct06 Review process of identifying contingencies for Study Program Annual Report

6 6 PCC 2006/7 Goals EPAct & FERC Alignment Complete the identification of WECC Standards over and above the NERC approved Reliability Standards. Collaborate with DOE on the Congestion Report and National Electric Interest Transmission Corridors efforts. Modify the WECC LVRT Criteria as necessary based on FERC Ruling 661 and 661A Outreach Continue improvements in outreach and communication with stakeholders, regulators, and states/provincial in the Western Interconnection

7 7 Thank you to you and your representatives on various Committees, Sub-committees, Work Groups and Task Forces! It is through voluntary industry support of these groups that we have had been able to realize these accomplishments.

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