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Adherence with Regional Criteria WECC Reliability Policy Issues Committee Meeting February 19, 2009 Michelle Mizumori Director of Market Operations Interface.

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Presentation on theme: "Adherence with Regional Criteria WECC Reliability Policy Issues Committee Meeting February 19, 2009 Michelle Mizumori Director of Market Operations Interface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adherence with Regional Criteria WECC Reliability Policy Issues Committee Meeting February 19, 2009 Michelle Mizumori Director of Market Operations Interface

2 Adherence with Regional Criteria RPIC WECC Document Categories WECC Regional Criteria are applicable to all members No enforcement process for non-members Variances from specific requirements will be reported to a compliance committee Evolved from the current Reliability Management System Reliability Compliance Committee RMSRCC is for hearing RMS violation appeals

3 Adherence with Regional Criteria Reliability Compliance Committee (RMSRCC) Comprised of 7 members and 7 alternates representing: Major transmission owners Transmission dependent utilities Independent power producers Electric power marketers State, provincial, or local regulatory bodies Control Areas (BA) and Independent System Operators Municipal Utilities

4 Adherence with Regional Criteria Reliability Compliance Committee (RCC) RCC Bylaws established RCC Confidentiality Agreement developed Staggered Terms Membership has not been updated since the December 2007 request for nominees for terms beginning in 2008 Current membership identifies terms ending in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 Duties related to RMS violations are now only needed for RMS participants in Canada and Mexico

5 Adherence with Regional Criteria RMSRCC Responsibilities RMSRCC considers whether or not there has been an RMS violation if WECC Staff findings are appealed RMSRCC does not determine penalties RMS enforcement structure

6 Adherence with Regional Criteria Points from Document Categorization Compliance committee will consider written and verbal comments regarding variances presented by affected WECC members Compliance committee will determine whether those variances will be permitted Failure to comply with the decision of the compliance committee may result in application of the WECC Dispute Resolution Procedures (Enforcement)

7 Adherence with Regional Criteria Gathering Information About Variances No program currently in place Options Self Reporting/Self Certification Complaints Readiness Evaluation type of Review New WECC group

8 Adherence with Regional Criteria Determination of Non-adherence RMSRCC New Committee

9 Adherence with Regional Criteria What to do about Non-adherence Take away WECC membership Public notice

10 Questions

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