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Planning and regulations relating to biomass installations 18 th September 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning and regulations relating to biomass installations 18 th September 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning and regulations relating to biomass installations 18 th September 2009

2 About CEN CEN is a growing environmental organisation of around 80 people. Founded in 1997 our mission is to: nAlleviate fuel poverty nProvide environmental benefit through CO 2 reduction nDevelop the market for energy efficiency and renewable energy To date we have: nLifted over 4,000 people out of fuel poverty nOffset over 100 million kg of CO2 with over £15,000,000 of installed energy efficiency improvements nImplemented nearly 100 community scale renewable energy installations in London and the SE

3 CEN Biomass Services Project implementation services: Site assessments & feasibility studies System design and financial appraisals Grant funding and planning support Tendering for biomass installation Tendering & negotiating fuel supply contracts General work: Developing fuel supply chains and infrastructure Training, education and promotion Masterplanning & district heating Resource assessments

4 Clean Air Act Originally enacted in the 1950s to combat the smogs Prohibits the emission of dark smoke Smoke control areas – where are they?

5 Where are the smoke control areas?

6 Clean Air Act 1993 Originally enacted in the 1950s to combat the smogs Prohibits the emission of dark smoke Smoke control areas – where are they? Exempt appliances Smokeless fuels Chimney Height Approval If burning at a rate of 45.4 kg/hr or more

7 Moisture content %Wood Net CV GJ/t %GJ/tkWh/tkWh per 45.4kgBoiler rating (kW) 5%17.924,978 226 192 10%16.844,678 212 181 20%14.684,078 185 157 30%12.523,478 158 134 40%10.362,878 131 111 50%8.202,278 103 88 60%6.041,678 76 65 What is 45.4kg/hr in real money? Note: This calculation assumes an 85% efficient boiler.

8 Planning Permission Planning permission is not normally required for biomass systems as long as the work is internal. There may be complications if: Chimney / flue is unusually high / unusually located You need a new building / plant room / fuel store Conservation area / World Heritage Site / Listed building

9 Other considerations Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs)


11 Other considerations Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) Environmental Permitting Regulations Waste Incineration Directive Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations Building Regulations Part J - Combustion Appliances and Fuel Storage Systems

12 Finding an installer Boilers: Stoves:

13 Thank you for listening! Tom Vosper

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