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EURO-ENTREPRENEURS Entrepreneurship training for acting at a European level BARCELONA ACTIVA Internationalisation of Start-ups Munich, 15th September 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "EURO-ENTREPRENEURS Entrepreneurship training for acting at a European level BARCELONA ACTIVA Internationalisation of Start-ups Munich, 15th September 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 EURO-ENTREPRENEURS Entrepreneurship training for acting at a European level BARCELONA ACTIVA Internationalisation of Start-ups Munich, 15th September 2005

2 What is Euro-Entrepreneurs? WP of PANEL that consists of designing, at a Concept level, an entrepreneurship training programme oriented towards preparing and helping new entrepreneurs to act at an international level within the current context of the EU, for them to be able to take advantage of the new reality that has emerged. Is Euro-Entrepreneurs necessary? YES Why? Concept level

3 Why Euro-Entrepreneurs? To enable new entrepreneurs to take advantage of the single market that the EU represents We know: a) That Europe is a market b) SMEs and micro companies are the backbone of the European economy But the most benefited from this market have been the big companies (With exceptions) SMEs and micro dont act at an international level Enlargement towards the East = 480 million consumers enormous business opportunity

4 Euro-Entrepreneurs appears: a ) to enable new entrepreneurs to take advantage of the single market that the EU represents. b) to get closer to the objectives fixed in the European Councils (L, B, S). Works in a frameworkFollows the EC objectives

5 The programme: Objectives 2 main objectives: a)To foster and increase the European commercial mentality. b) To prepare and help entrepreneurs to Europeanise their business in EU.

6 Target - Entrepreneurs that want to have customers or partners in another member state. 2 profiles: a) New entrepreneurs without a company (but have a business plan that can be quickly implemented). b) New entrepreneurs with a company.

7 Entrepreneurs without a company: Phases

8 Phase 1: Publicity and diffusion a)Brochures. b)Website portal. c)Presentations in entities and institutions. Right Candidates submit their BP. Regional Selection. Testimonies Practical information The entrepreneurship potential

9 Phase 2: Instruments of use of the Euro-Entrepreneur a)Training sessions about methodology for the production of a plan for business internationalisation within the framework of the EU, oriented towards small and micro-businesses. b)Sessions about: a)Resources for getting to know about foreign markets b)Support and assessment infrastructures for foreign investment c)Economic aid for foreign investment d)Basic European legislation Duration: 3 weeks.

10 Phase 2: Instruments of use of the Euro-Entrepreneur 1 month to submit the PI improved. Selection of the best PIs of ALL regions (2/region). The selected entrepreneurs have to undertake to start up the company before finishing the Phase 3.

11 Phase 3: Improvement and contrast of the PI a) 3 week stay in a Business school – prestigious professionals. b) Funding for trips oriented towards contrasting the validity of their PI. (with cheaper prices) c) Business presentations to investors. Duration: 2 months.

12 Phase 4: Localisation of the business plan - For those who have established collaboration contracts with partners or customers. Duration: fixed by the incubator.

13 Entrepreneurs with a company: Phases

14 Phase 1: Publicity and diffusion - As the itinerary for entrepreneurs without a company. -Regional selection. Phase 2: Instruments of use of the Euro-Entrepreneur -Same contents, different methodology. Duration: 5 weekends. Intensive weekend seminars WEBSITE

15 Phase 2: Instruments of use of the Euro-Entrepreneur a) 1 month to submit the PI improved. b) Selection of the best PIs of ALL regions (2/region). c) The selected entrepreneurs pass to Phase 3.

16 Phase 3: Improvement and contrast of the PI a) WEBSITE: the virtual space of interaction. b) Some onsite seminars. c) Funding for trips oriented towards contrasting the validity of their PI. (with cheaper prices) d) Business presentations to investors. Duration: 3 months.

17 Evaluation of the programme - Indicators of: ProcessResultsImpact DuringAfter

18 How much can it cost?


20 For a successful implementation: -business schools a) Strong partnership -Incubators -Financing institutions -Institutions for business support b) Sponsors -Public -Private

21 The programme is: FlexiblePersonalized Practical TestimoniesNetwork Strong cooperationContact with investors Targeted

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