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SDM programme UNFCCC secretariat Current status of the implementation of Guidelines on the consideration of suppressed demand in CDM methodologies FIRST.

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Presentation on theme: "SDM programme UNFCCC secretariat Current status of the implementation of Guidelines on the consideration of suppressed demand in CDM methodologies FIRST."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDM programme UNFCCC secretariat Current status of the implementation of Guidelines on the consideration of suppressed demand in CDM methodologies FIRST SDM JOINT COORDINATION WORKSHOP, Maritim Hotel, Bonn, Germany 24 - 25 March 2012

2 2 OVERVIEW I.Evolution of the SD guidelines II.Methodologies where SD is implemented III.Case study AMS I.L IV. Future work

3 3 Evolution of suppressed demand guidelines Para 47 of 3/CMP.1:M & P of CDM cite future emissions increase CMP.5 and CMP.6 request EB action a)SSC WG 27(2010) b)EB 61 and EB 62, 2011 (guidelines approved) c)EB 63 (work program approved) CMP.7 requests EB to accelerate implementation in methodologies a)Priority focus on LDCs, SIDs, African countries and underrepresented countries

4 4 Key Features of SD Guidelines Recognises that future emissions will increase due to Income and price effects i.e. demand for a service increases in the baseline over time due to increase in income and decrease in cost per unit service during the project. Applicable where the minimum service level (MSL) is not met MSL is that service that meets basic human needs (e.g. basic housing, basic energy services including lighting, cooking, drinking water supply) Provides methodological approaches under a suppressed demand situation for: Identification of baseline measure/technology; and Baseline service level to use to calculate baseline emissions.

5 5 Safeguards in SD Guidelines (a)Environmental integrity has to be safeguarded; (b)Financial viability of the CDM project cannot be the predominant criteria; (c)Normative decisions have to be clearly referenced and explained; (d)Emission intensity and baseline level of service have to be re-evaluated and updated periodically.

6 6 AMS-I.L Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy (EB 66) AMS-I.L joins AMS I.A and AMS III.AV; RE Electrification of households & SMEs with no access to electricity Default emission factors; a)Tranche 1: [Np < 55 kWh/year] 6.8 kg CO2/kWh; b)Tranche 2: [55< Nz <250] 1.3 kg CO2/kWh; c)Tranche 3: [Nw> 250] 1.0 kg CO2/kWh ; New UN-backed emissions reduction scheme helps poorer nations use clean energy – (6 March 2012)

7 7 AMS-I.L Rationale for defaults kWh/household: 4 global and 14 regional sources referenced IEA World Energy Outlook,UNDP, UNIDO, World Bank reports, national/regional case studies; 250 kWh/household/year 55 kWh of 250 kWh is lighting; BL technology- Kerosene lamp (146 L/Yr), 6.8 kg CO2/kWh; 195 kWh of 250 kWh is for household appliances BL technology- diesel generator, 50% load factor,1.3 kg CO2/kWh > 250 kWh for other users (SMEs, agricultural water pumps) BL technology- DG,100% load factor, 1.0 kg CO2/kWh;

8 8 MORE TO COME……. Electrification by grid extension Revision of AMS III AR Revision of AMS I A Revision of AMS III F Revision of the SD guidelines … …. Your inputs are critical to make it happen!

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