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Energy Notes.

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1 Energy Notes

2 What is the ability to cause a change in matter?

3 What is the measure of how much work something can produce?

4 Using force to move an object
What is work? Using force to move an object

5 Why is energy not a type of matter?
Matter: Solid, liquid, gas Energy: Ability to move matter around

6 Law of Conservation of Energy
What law states that energy can never be made or destroyed, but it can change forms? Law of Conservation of Energy

7 What do people use energy for?
Use the energy stored in food to move, to talk, and even to sleep

8 What is kinetic energy? Energy in motion

9 Give an example of kinetic energy.
Airplane flying Person riding a bike

10 What is potential energy?
Energy an object has because of its condition or position (stored energy)

11 Give an example of potential energy.
A ball sitting on a desk waiting to fall A book on a shelf waiting to fall

12 When can something have both kinetic and potential energy?
As a book falls from the shelf, it loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy

13 What is the movement of energy from one place or object to another?
Energy transfer

14 Give an example of transferring energy?
Throwing a basketball from yourself to your teammate, and then this person dribbles the ball.

15 What is energy that comes from the Sun?
Solar Energy

16 What does “solar” mean? “of the sun”

17 When do people use solar energy?
Solar-powered calculators

18 Energy from the Sun travels as ____________.

19 What are the two types of radiation?
Light- We can see Heat- We can feel

20 What would Earth be like without solar energy?
Ball of frozen rock with no life

21 How is solar energy useful?
Electricity for some buildings Heat water (swimming pools and home showers)

22 What are problems with solar energy?
expensive Many places do not have enough sunny days

23 What is energy stored in fuel called?
Chemical energy

24 How can it be released, and what is it when it is not being used?
By a chemical reaction (like burning) When it is not being used it is potential energy

25 Give an example of a chemical reaction.
Burning wood

26 What energy is the combination of all the potential and kinetic energy that something has?
Mechanical energy

27 Give an example of mechanical energy.
Helicopter moving- Kinetic Energy Fuel in tank- Chemical Energy, which is potential The combining of both causes mechanical energy

28 Electrical energy Electricity
What energy comes from an electric current? What is another name for it? Electrical energy Electricity

29 Give an example of electrical energy.

30 What is energy in the form of vibrations that travel through matter?
Sound energy

31 Give an example of sound energy.
Placing hands on radio and feeling the vibrations Feeling the vibrations of sounds with their feet

32 What is thermal energy? Heat energy

33 What is the transfer of thermal energy between objects with different temperatures?

34 How does thermal energy travel?
From warmer objects to a cooler object

35 What is transferred when you hold a hot mug?
Thermal energy goes from cup to your hand

36 What is lost from the same mug when you hold it?
Energy is lost in the mug and transferred to your hands.

37 What is the measurement of the average kinetic energy of all the particles in a substance?

38 What is the most common way to produce heat by rubbing things together?

39 Give an example of friction.
Rubbing your hands together Slamming on the car’s brakes

40 What is a set of parts acting together as a whole object?

41 Give an example of a system.
A burner, a pot, and water are a system that produces thermal energy.

42 What is transfer of thermal energy from one object directly into another?

43 Give an example of conduction.
Holding a hot mug

44 What is the transfer of thermal energy through the movement of a gas or a liquid?

45 Give an example of convection.
A pot of boiling water

46 What is the transfer of energy by waves that move through matter and space?

47 Give an example of radiation.
Radiation from the Sun

48 What doesn’t radiation need that conduction and convection need?
Matter for heat to travel through

49 What does conduction require?
Two objects must be in contact

50 What does convection require?
Requires a gas or a liquid

51 Heat or light bounces off an object
What is reflection? Heat or light bounces off an object

52 What is anything that slows the movement of thermal energy?

53 What is anything that allows thermal emery to move through it easily called?

54 Why is the handle on a spoon in a glass of hot coffee extremely hot and the foam cup is not very hot at all? Spoon: Metal and good conductor of heat Foam Cup: Insulator of heat

55 What is the best conductor of heat?

56 Is a solid, liquid, or gas the easiest to transfer energy?

57 What is the poorest thermal conductor of heat?

58 What is hydroelectric energy?
Moving water that can spin to make electricity- Hoover Dam

59 What are fossil fuels and give some examples.
Fuels that formed from the remains of once-living things Coal, oil, and natural gas

60 What are the remains or traces of past life, and it is found in sedimentary rock?

61 What is any material that can be used to satisfy a need?

62 Nonrenewable resource
What is a resource that, once used up, cannot be replaced within a reasonable amount of time? Nonrenewable resource

63 Give an example of a nonrenewable resource.
Oil, coal, natural gas

64 What is using less of something to make the supply last longer?

65 Give an example of conservation.
Using less hot water Less electricity

66 What is a resource that can be replaced within a reasonable amount of time?
Renewable resource

67 Give an example of a renewable resource.
Solar Energy (Sun) Wind

68 What is anything that dirties or harms the environment?

69 What are some forms of air pollution?
When coal, oil, and natural gas are burned, the gases are released into the atmosphere.

70 Wind turns windmills which generate electricity
What is wind energy? Wind turns windmills which generate electricity Bowling Green

71 What are the pros and cons of wind energy?
Pros: No pollution Cons: Costly and take up large areas of land

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