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Division of Mining and Reclamation Kenneth Politan (304) 926-0499, ext. 1529.

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Presentation on theme: "Division of Mining and Reclamation Kenneth Politan (304) 926-0499, ext. 1529."— Presentation transcript:

1 Division of Mining and Reclamation Kenneth Politan (304) 926-0499, ext. 1529

2 The DMR is to regulate the mining industry in accordance with federal and state laws. Activities include issuing and renewing permits for mineral extraction sites and related facilities, inspecting facilities for compliance, monitoring water quality, tracking ownership and control, and issuing and assessing violations.

3 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act Water Pollution Control Act. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System State 401 Certification Groundwater Protection Act. Quarry Reclamation Act.

4 Pre-quarrying water assessment (6 month). Both surface water and groundwater Location: selected by the geologist. Water quality: total suspended solids, dissolved solids, specific conductance, pH, acidity, alkalinity, sulfates, iron, manganese, and aluminum. Water quantity: flow variation/seasonal, usage or water elevation.

5 Probable Hydrologic Consequences (PHC) seasonal (6 months). Both surface water and groundwater. Location: selected by the geologist. Water quality: total suspended solids, dissolved solids, specific conductance, pH, acidity, alkalinity, sulfates, iron, and manganese. Water quantity: flow variation/seasonal, usage or water elevation.

6 Utilize groundwater data from the mining or quarry application. Groundwater water only. Location: Same as mining or quarry application. Water quality: Same as mining or quarry. Water quantity: Same as mining or quarry.

7 Benthic survey in accordance with West Virginia Condition Index (WVSCI). Macro-invertebrate aquatic life. Location: downstream, upstream, and in the footprint of the filling activity. Water quality: general chemistry mix bag. Water quantity: flow.

8 Baseline Water Quality (BWQ) baseline & seasonal 6 months. Surface water only. Location: established points by Watersheds Characteristic Modeling System (WCMS) subwatersheds. Water quality: parameters of concern. Water quantity: flow baseline/seasonal 7Q10.



11 Environmental Quality Information System (EQuIS). Environmental Resource Information System (ERIS). Paper copies/electronic – files. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs), inspections, investigations, studies, etc… Analysis – 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 136 – Approved Methods. Data requests FOIA Kathy Cosco

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