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Second Grade Social Studies

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1 Second Grade Social Studies
Earth’s Landforms Second Grade Social Studies

2 Vocabulary island valley river lake hill peninsula mountain plateau ocean plain canyon

3 valley Low land between hills or mountains.

4 mountain The highest kind of land.

5 ocean A very large body of salt water.

6 lake A body of water with land all around it.

7 hill Land that is higher than land around it, but lower than a mountain.

8 river A long body of water that flows across the land.

9 island A body of land with water all around it.

10 peninsula Land that has water on three sides.

11 An area of flat land, higher than the surrounding country.
plateau An area of flat land, higher than the surrounding country.

12 plain An area of flat land.

13 Long, narrow valley with steep sides.
canyon Long, narrow valley with steep sides.

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