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Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education JISC Information Environment and Architecture, part 1 Alicia Wise and Andy.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education JISC Information Environment and Architecture, part 1 Alicia Wise and Andy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education JISC Information Environment and Architecture, part 1 Alicia Wise and Andy Powell

2 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education Outline Intro to the JISC Collections Services Development Activities – Authentication and Security – Digital Preservation – Networking – Information Environment

3 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education The JISC is... The Joint Information Systems Committee Funded by the further and higher education funding bodies for FE and HE in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales through top-sliced money Not a single committee, but a nested committee structure responsible for stimulating the innovative use of IT in learning, teaching, and research

4 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education The JISC…. Provides the network to all colleges and universities in the UK Provides electronic materials and services essential for learning, teaching, and research Funds research and development programmes Raises awareness, and provides support and training SuperJANET Up until now known as the Distributed National Electronic Resource (DNER). Includes collections and services under a variety of names and guises. Information Environment development, eLib, DNER development To senior managers and staff and, through some services, to students

5 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education JISC Collections Multimedia Moving Images Journals Bibliographic databases Sounds Images Indexed websites Maps Abstracts Learning Materials Catalogues Research Data

6 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education 14 Regional Support Centres Digitisation Service JISCmail Training Digitisation Service JISCmail Training Mirror Servic e Data Archive Mirror Servic e Arts and Humanities Data Service ATHENS Data centre Software Neg. Team UKOLN ATHENS Data centre Software Neg. Team UKOLN Data Centre Cache Service Data Centre Cache Service JISC Services Data Centre IMS Centre Disabilit y Support Service Network Mgmt Service TechLearn

7 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education JISC Development Activities 1. Authentication and Security – Deploying the ATHENS system – Rolling out single sign-on functionality – Piloting the use of digital certificates in institutions during the next academic year 2. Digital Preservation

8 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education Why do we need digital preservation? If purchasing digital content: electronic publications are transient - to maintain access to holdings/subscriptions requires action doing nothing means maintaining both electronic and paper with static or declining funding If digitising: maximise the useful life of the content and the investment made by funding bodies and institutions not preserving costs staff resources and money to re-create content (and may damage originals) may be a requirement of funding bodies and increase likelihood of proposals being funded Build cultural heritage and the knowledge base

9 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education Digital Preservation Coalition Aim of Coalition is to develop the UK digital preservation agenda within an international context Core of 19 member organisations Plus associate members and allies

10 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education JISC Development Activities, cont. 3. Networking – GRID – a researcher-driven international programme to create a specially designed software environment for facilitating collaboration, controlling remote experiments, and managing vast quantities of data. – Internet 2 – SuperJANET 4 developments 4. Information Environment – Informed by digital library developments – Informed by enterprise portal developments for educational institutions

11 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education Challenge 1 – changing ways in which researchers work and collaborate Authoring Readin g Discover LocateLocate Access RegistrationAwareness CertificationPreservation Analysis Writing Visualisation Processing Secure, High-Quality Network

12 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education Web Challenge 2 - Standalone Content Content (local and remote) End-user Many different services Each has own user interface Each has a learning curve

13 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting UK Further and Higher Education Web Information Environment: Functional View Content (local and remote) End-user Use Access Discovery

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