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Water Policy Programme 1 Kampala Workshop 2 - 4 February Synthesis of emerging issues/themes 1.Coordination Donors and NGOs (shared objectives) appropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Policy Programme 1 Kampala Workshop 2 - 4 February Synthesis of emerging issues/themes 1.Coordination Donors and NGOs (shared objectives) appropriate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Policy Programme 1 Kampala Workshop 2 - 4 February Synthesis of emerging issues/themes 1.Coordination Donors and NGOs (shared objectives) appropriate fora? Policy coherence (beyond projects, towards SWAP?) Information collection & sharing (transparency) Sanitation! 2. Financial and investment planning Integrated financial planning (PRSP, MTEF etc) Financing mechanisms (budgetary & extra-budgetary) Prioritising sector investments (tech choice, capital/recurrent, sanitation?)

2 Water Policy Programme 2 3. Decentralised planning and implementation Institutional roles and responsibilities (fiscal decentralisation?) Institutional decision making capacity Criteria for pro-poor targeting (against PRS objectives) Performance related financing (management, participation) 4. Regulation, sustainability and M&E Enabling environment for different service providers (e.g. SSPOs) Tracking resource flows (audits, unit costs etc) Monitoring adherence to policy guidelines (e.g. community contribution) Impact assessment and benefit incidence (water-poverty-livelihoods)

3 Water Policy Programme 3 5. Incentives for good governance? Donor/NGO governance/behaviour (coordinated support) Benchmarking country progress against predefined steps Performance related financing (time-bound action plan?)

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