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UKOLN is supported by: Effective Use of the Social Web in Organisations: Beyond Blogs: the Role of Twitter Brian Kelly & Ann Chapman UKOLN University of.

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Presentation on theme: "UKOLN is supported by: Effective Use of the Social Web in Organisations: Beyond Blogs: the Role of Twitter Brian Kelly & Ann Chapman UKOLN University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 UKOLN is supported by: Effective Use of the Social Web in Organisations: Beyond Blogs: the Role of Twitter Brian Kelly & Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ili2010-workshop ' tag About This Talk This talk will introduce Twitter, describe how it can be used and illustrate examples of effective use. About This Talk This talk will introduce Twitter, describe how it can be used and illustrate examples of effective use.

2 2 Contents Introduction Case Studies: Use of Blogs Beyond Blogs – the Role of Twitter Reasons For a Library Blog or Twitter Account Beyond Blogs: Social Networks What are the Barriers? Addressing the Barriers Making a Business Case Conclusions Introduction

3 Twitter Twitter: Exciting new communications tool Provides engagement with peers and/or simple but effective dissemination channel Challenging effectiveness of blogs or: Time-wasting application Full of trivia Rightly blocked by organisations firewall 3 Whats your view?

4 What is Twitter? Twitter has many aspects: A status update cf Facebook status:Brian is giving a talk at ILI 2010 A micro-blogging tool A communications tool An alerting tool A marketing tool A feedback mechanism A tool for community building A bar where everyone knows your name 4

5 Virtual Twitter For those who aren´t Twitter users Twitter Memo Community(#) #ili2010 Comments (#) e.g. #what To (@) About (@) Message (140 characters) Suggested for this session

6 Virtual Twitter For those who aren´t Twitter users Twitter Memo Community(#) #ili2010 Comments (#) To (@) About (@) Message (140 characters) In London for the #ili2010 workshop on Social Web. Wonder if there any other Estonian Law librarians here? 32 A way of developing your professional network (especially useful at events)

7 Virtual Twitter For those who aren´t Twitter users Twitter Memo Community(#) #ili2010 Comments (#) #what To (@)briankelly About (@) Message (140 characters) @briankelly I didnt understand what you meant about hashtags in #ili2010 session. #what 51 Queries can be answered by your community – who may understand the context

8 Virtual Twitter For those who aren´t Twitter users Twitter Memo Community(#) #ili2010 Comments (#) To (@) About (@)@briankelly Message (140 characters) I wonder how many Twitter followers @briankelly has? #ili2010 79

9 9 Now 1,243 & 3,504

10 Twitter - Dissemination 10

11 Twitter and Events Valuable opportunity for using Twitter is at events Attending events (e.g. #ILI2010) Opportunity to join in discussions and extend your professional network Participating remotely (e.g. #Libdebate / #CILIP2) Opportunity to join in discussions and extend your professional network View streaming video/audio of speakers View speakers slides hosted on Slideshare Support institutional greening strategy 11 Note: Ability for on-the-fly participation at remote events helped by use of Twitter. Also help professional development at a time of cuts

12 Summarizr Developments Summarizr: 3 rd party development Developed by Andy Powell, Eduserv, Bath Makes use of Twapper Keeper APIs 12 Longer session but also controversial

13 Summarizr Developments Summarizr: Processes geo- location Twitter data provided in Twapper Keeper RSS feed May provide trend analysis May provide evidence of remote participation 13 Note use of geo-location in Twitter low due to (a) privacy concerns; (b) UI complexity; (c) patchy support; …

14 Twitter Captioning Twitter captioning service: Developed by Martin Hawksey, RSC Scotland Synchronises video and Twitter stream (via TK) Search of Twitter stream Benefits: Speakers (why did they tweet that during my talk?) Accessibility Non-native English speakers? 14

15 Twitter Conversations Encouraging Learning Through Discussions Learning begins with a conversation Lecture theatres inhibit conversation Amplification brings back the conversation 15 Engaging With The Twitter Wall Using a Twitter Wall rather than PowerPoint provides a means of encouraging discussions e.g. Good cop, bad cop routine used in IWMW 10 conclusions to encourage debate about talks

16 Conclusions Twitter is: Here to stay (for some time) Growing rapidly for use at amplified events Twitter can be valuable for: Developing and cultivating professional networks Viral marketing purposes Can you afford to ignore Twitter? 16

17 17 Questions

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