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INDIAN REMOVAL AND THE TRAIL OF TEARS. 1830 Indian Removal Act  President Jackson pushes Congress to force Indians to move west of the Mississippi 

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2 1830 Indian Removal Act  President Jackson pushes Congress to force Indians to move west of the Mississippi  Congress established Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) as the new Indian homeland  US government creates Bureau of Indian Affairs

3 1830 Indian Removal Act  President Andrew Jackson wanted to encourage more white settlers to move West.  Many settlers were fearful of moving West because of conflict and fights with Natives.  President Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830 which forced all Indians to move West (into present day Oklahoma) where reservations would be established.

4  The Indian Removal Act took Native American Indian tribes from all across the country and placed them in one reservation in present day Oklahoma. 1830 Indian Removal Act

5 John C. Calhoun “One of the greatest evils to which they (Indians) are subject is the incessant (constant) pressure of our population.”

6 Cherokee Indians  Lived peacefully in the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia and Tennessee  Adopted culture of whites - wrote and spoke English  Had own written language and newspaper  Based their government on the U.S. Constitution

7 Cherokee Sue For Land  Cherokee sued the government of Georgia for taking their land  Worcester vs. Georgia - Supreme Court rules Georgia’s actions are illegal and that the Cherokee can stay

8 Trail of Tears  Some Native American Indian tribes tried to resist President Jackson’s order.  These tribes engaged in battle with the U.S. and in all cases lost and were forced West.  The Cherokee tribe were forced West and 25% of them died on the way (the Trail of Tears).

9 Trail of Tears  In 1831 the Choctaw were the first to be removed, and they became the model for all other removals.  After the Choctaw, the Seminole were removed in 1832, the Creek in 1834, then the Chickasaw in 1837, and finally the Cherokee in 1838

10 Trail of Tears  Georgia govt. smashes in Cherokee printing press  US troops move 18,000 Cherokee at gunpoint 800 miles from 1838- 1839  25% of Cherokee died - most elderly and children


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