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Material Cycles Ecosystem recycling.

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Presentation on theme: "Material Cycles Ecosystem recycling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Material Cycles Ecosystem recycling

2 As energy & matter move through exostyem matter must be recycle and reused
Types of Cycle Carbon & Oxygen Cycles Water Cycle Nitrogen Cycle

3 Carbon & Oxygen cycle Involves the process of photosynthesis & respiration Photosynthesis uses CO2 and produces O2 Respiration use O2 and produces CO2 The carbon cycle is one of the most important to humans because it is important to our existence:  one of the primary elements forming human tissues  necessary to plants, the basis of human food  important to the climate system which sets the background for our environment:  carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) are greenhouse gases which help set global temperatures 




7 Human influences on carbon cycle
In last 150 years atmospheric CO2 has risen 30% This is caused by burning fossil fuels and burning forests (to clear land for agriculture) Now less vegetation is available to absorb CO2 from atmosphere through photosynthesis Increased levels CO2 is causing global climate change

8 Water Cycle Availability of water is one of the key factors that determine the productivity of a terrestrial ecosystem Water is found in bodies of water, atmosphere, the ground and living organisms Involves Photosynthesis & Respiration Transpiration (movement of water through a plant) Evaporation & Condensation Excretion

9 Heat causes water to EVAPORATE from bodies of water, soil and organisms
Transpiration is when water evaporates from plants Water leaves the atmosphere through PRECIPITATION

10 Nitrogen Cycle Involves decomposers and other soil bacteria which break down and convert nitrogenous wastes and the remains of dead organisms into material that is usable by autotrophs (nitrates) Nitrogen fixing bacteria—transform nitrogen gas into a usable form Live in soil and inside swellings on roots of certain plants (mutualism)



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