 India is a subcontinent  - a large mass of land that is part of another continent but distinct from it. Climate: -warm or hot all year Monsoon - Seasonal.


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Presentation transcript:

 India is a subcontinent  - a large mass of land that is part of another continent but distinct from it. Climate: -warm or hot all year Monsoon - Seasonal winds that blow steadily from the same direction for months

 India is a subcontinent  - a large mass of land that is part of another continent but distinct from it. Climate: -warm or hot all year Monsoon - Seasonal winds that blow steadily from the same direction for months

 The Green Revolution  Bengal Famine-  - happened in 1943 when the U.K. ruled the country  - 4 million died  Gained independence in 1947  Green Revolution  -was an effort to use modern techniques and science to increase food production  Industry  - textiles, iron, steel, oil, sugar, computer software, gems, jewelry, mining  cottage industry  -is a home or village-based industry in which family members supply their own equipment to make goods.

 India is representative democracy  *The government is run not by the president but by the prime minister, who is appointed by the ruling party  Jawaharlal Neru was the first prime minister  Indira Gandhi  - first female prime minister of India. She was assassinated.

 1. Thousands of acres of forest have been cleared for farming.  2.Water and land have been polluted from burning coal, industrial waste and pesticides.  3. Ganges river is one of the world’s most polluted river  4. Destroyed animal habitat  What did the government do to protect their wildlife?

 Where was the first civilization established in India?  - along the Indus River  The Indus people blended with the warriors called the –  Aryan  Caste System  -Social classes based on a person’s ancestry organized by Hinduism  Last conqueror of India- United Kingdom

 Mohandas Gandhi  -led a nonviolent resistance movement to free India from British rule  What was done in India to settle the problem between the majority Hindus and minority Muslims?  - the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh

 Hinduism  - the religion formed by blending the practices of the people living along the Indus River and the Aryan people.  - 80% of the people  - they believe in reincarnation  - cows are believed to be sacred  Buddhism  - Started in India about 500 B.C. and spread around the world Islam