Chapter 9, Sections 2,3 Political Challenges And Economic Development
India is a parliamentary democracy. The real power is the party of parliament who has the most seats in parliament. The leader of that party is the prime minister.
The Indian Constitution declared “Untouchability” illegal, and outlawed discrimination against them. Still upper caste members of society have resisted the changes.
The Sikh Religion Blend of Hinduism and Islam. Teaches one god and rejects caste system altogether. Developed a strong military tradition to defend themselves. They want to break away from what they see as a Hindu- dominated nation.
Jawaharlal Nehru Led for 17 years after independence and wanted to create a casteless, secular nation. Set up schools and economic programs.
Indira Gandhi Nehru’s daughter and successor. Wanted to modernize, but jailed opponents. Assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards.
Nehru employed some socialist tactics like careful government regulation of the economy; taking control over the energy, transportation, steel and mining industries; five-year plans; and the limiting of foreign investment.
Rising oil prices slowed growth in the 70’s (India has few oil resources and so must import). So the government sought privatization.
During the 90’s India had one of world’s fastest growing economies. Foreign investment and high-technology industries boomed.
Land Reform Landless peasants worked as tenant farmers. India set up land reform (redistributing land),limited size of farms, and sold surplus to tenant farmers.