Oreos Not Allowed In Lunch By Jaren
Who NABISCO(the company that makes Oreos), a school in Colorado, and a mother and her kid.
What A school in Colorado prevents kids from having stuff in there lunches like cookies, peanut butter, fruit snacks, chips, and lunchables. They say it is not nutritious enough for the kids. The Mom says it is up to her what she packs for here kids and not the schools job to tell her daughter what she can’t eat.
When Published April,
Where Aurora, Colorado
Why The school thought that the kids were not eating nutritious meals.
My Opinion I think that you should have nutritious meals but I don’t think the should make it so you cant have Oreos at all. You should be able to have it sometimes.
Alterative opinion I think that the kids should be able to eat what ever there mom packs because Moms should pick what there kids eat.
Thinking about my thinking I think I have this opinion because every once and awhile I have an Oreo and every day I have a Peanut Butter sandwich. So to say you can’t have it at all I think is a lot.
Source USA, Today