Patient-Specific Education Configuring RPMS-EHR for Meaningful Use Resource Patient Management System
Presenters: Chris Lamer, PharmD, MHS Nashville Area Office Patient-Specific Education
Menu Set MU Objective “Use certified EHR technology to identify patient-specific education resources and provide those resources to the patient if appropriate.” - 42 CFR Part 495.6,(e)(6)(i) Patient-Specific Education
Applicability Eligible Professionals (EP) Eligible Hospitals Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) Patient-Specific Education
Training Objectives Create entries of the patient and family education subtopic of literature (L). Patient-Specific Education
MU Measure Type of Measure: Rate The number of unique patients in the denominator who are provided patient education specific resources. >10% The number of unique patients seen by the provider during the EHR reporting period. Patient-Specific Education
Threshold More than 10% of all unique patients seen by the provider during the EHR reporting period are provided patient-specific education resources. Patient-Specific Education
RPMS Reporting Logic Denominator Inclusions: COUNT: each patient HAVING: one or more face-to-face visits with the provider during the EHR reporting period Patient-Specific Education
RPMS Reporting Logic Numerator Inclusions: COUNT: each patient in the denominator HAVING: at least one entry of the patient and family education subtopic of literature (L) during the EHR reporting period Patient-Specific Education
RPMS Reporting Logic Measure Exclusion: None Patient-Specific Education
Configure RPMS No RPMS configuration is required. Patient-Specific Education
Configure EHR During our how-to session we will: Associate an Education Code to a Charge in EHR. Patient-Specific Education
Evidence of Functionality During our how-to session we will: Create entries of patient and family education, subtopic of literature (L). Patient-Specific Education
How-to Session Questions & Discussion Patient-Specific Education