Accounting for Leases FASB / IASB Joint Project Update Private Company Financial Reporting Committee September 2008
ACTIVITY IN LAST 12 MONTHS 10/2007 – FASB & IASB met separately 7/2008 – FASB & IASB met separately
TENTATIVE DECISIONS Scope (7/2008) Lessor project deferred several years Continue current accounting for several years Lessee project to be completed by 2011 Apply finance lease model (IAS 17) to all leases
TENTATIVE DECISIONS, cont’d Options to Extend or Terminate (7/2008) Not separate assets Include in best estimate of lease term
TENTATIVE DECISIONS, cont’d Contingent Rentals (7/2008) Include in best estimate of rentals payable IASB = probability-weighted measurement FASB = not probability-weighted measurement
TENTATIVE DECISIONS, cont’d Initial Measurement (7/2008) Similar to current capital lease accounting Asset for right to use leased item Liability for payment obligations Both PV of expected payments lessee’s incremental borrowing rate
OTHER DISCUSSIONS Subsequent Measurement (7/2008) IASB decided to: Amortize asset systematically Apportion payments between liability & interest FASB discussed, but did not decide to: Use IASB’s approach, or Recognize straight-line rent expense
OTHER DISCUSSIONS, cont’d Lease Classification (7/2008) IASB removed existing classifications FASB discussed, but did not decide to do so
FUTURE PLANS Preliminary Views to be published in 4Q08
FOR MORE INFORMATION See Project Update on FASB’s website at: