VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Coordination Meeting October 23, 2015
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25 Years of VET Transition Unattractive Sub-quality VET Provisioning A pathway to low-skilled jobs Lack of specialized technical professionals /craftsmen Discouraged investors Limited private sector absorption capacities
25 Years of VET Transition Unattractive Sub-quality VET Provisioning A pathway to low-skilled jobs Lack of specialized technical professionals /craftsmen Discouraged investors Limited private sector absorption capacities Forward Looking Maturing private sector Need for the development of middle class of technical professionals /craftsmen VET an appealing pathway to medium and higher skills jobs The EU Prospects Economic transformation through VET
The draft law defines the objectives and functions of public employment services, active and passive labor market programmes, the skills development system and the institutions responsible for their management. – Includes the new Service Model for Employment Services – Considers Vocational Education and Training as an integral part of Labour Market Policies – Establishes the National Agency for Employment and Skills
The purpose of this Law is to promote the development of craftsmanship through the protection of the interests of craftsmen and consumers of handicraft products and services, and the support for the development of vocational training in this field. 1 Employment 2 Skills Development 3 Organization of Crafts Economic Activity
The draft law regulates all aspects of the VET System in Albania including VET provisioning and Quality Assurance and Accreditation within the Albanian Qualification Framework. – It sets roles and responsibilities of public authorities, tri-partite structures, sectorial committees, and other actors responsible for the planning, implementation, and monitoring & evaluation of the VET system. – It regulates the VET system with the aim of ensuring the acquisition, recognition and certification of skills and competencies, while simultaneously creating the necessary conditions for Life-Long Learning, decent work and social inclusion.
National List of Occupations and Occupations Descriptions (Biznes Albania, NAVETQ, and UNDP) Certification Standards DEKRA Experience Nursing Certification linked to testing following successful completion of professional and German language courses Tourism Training provided to hotel / restaurant managers, who are subsequently certified by DEKRA and MoSWY