Hyena Written by Jake Price Written by Jake Price 2011
Protection Hyenas have big strong teeth to protect itself. They hunt at night so other animals don’t see them. The hyena growls, snarls, and whines to scare off other animals. They stay in groups for protection.
Habitat Some hyenas live in the African Savanna. Others live in Madagascar. They also live in Asia Hyenas live in the hot Sahara Desert too.
Diet Some hyenas eat wildebeest. Others eat zebras Hyenas also eat Grant’s Gazelle. They eat buffalo too.
What it looks like Hyenas look like really big dogs. It’s fur is red, brown, and tan. It has short fur They have spots or stripes.
Facts Hyenas laugh constantly Spotted hyena’s have strong necks to carry there prey. They also carry there babies in there mouth. A striped hyena has four main features.
Resorces enaab.html enaab.html animals/creaturefeature/spotted-hyenas/