Animals: Where They Live and What They Need (Habitats) LeeAnne Walker 2 nd Grade Granite Elementary
Integrated subjects Reading Reading Writing Writing Physical Education Physical Education Computers Computers Art Art
Timeline Day 1: Introduction Days 2 through 6: Habitat study, one per day (freshwater, ocean, desert, forests, & savannah) Day 7: Habitat breakdown (PE game) Day 8: Adaptations and Camouflage Day 9: Animal fact search (computers) Day 10 & 11: Habitat mobiles
NEW NEW NEW Changed core… Changes in plants and animals to… habitats. Science Content by Standard – Standard 4 Second Grade Tell how external features affect an animals’ ability to survive in its environment. -Compare and contrast the characteristics of living things in different habitats. -Develop, communicate, and justify an explanation as to why a habitat is or is not suitable for a specific organism.
ADDIE ANALYSIS Analysis pros… It was good to think through all of the needs of my class and the needs for the unit. It put me in the frame of mind to cater to my students. The items to consider are written out. The analysis for another class should go quicker in preparation for this unit. Analysis cons … Time, time, time… Once a unit is written, it will be used for multiple populations even though the analysis will be different for each group. Core curriculum needs to be taught regardless of the desires and abilities of the second graders. I want to teach the life cycles of frogs, chicks, and butterflies. It doesn’t fit easily (YET).
ADDIE DESIGN Design pros… It is helpful to sit down and think things through. What are the most important components? What is the focus? This was a new unit, so thinking it through was helpful. It gives you a chance to problem solve. Think through issues and problems. Have solutions before they happen. Do it my way. I can make the design fit me and my second graders.
ADDIE DESIGN Design cons… Design cons… It takes a long time to research and see what’s out there already. It takes a long time to research and see what’s out there already. Do it my way. Part of the time I felt like I was probably redesigning the wheel. Do it my way. Part of the time I felt like I was probably redesigning the wheel. I like to take ideas, tweak them, adapt them, and make them better; not just design on my own. I like to take ideas, tweak them, adapt them, and make them better; not just design on my own. It’s too complicated to write out all plans this specifically. There are certain things that are obvious (to me) and it’s a waste to write it all out when I’ll be the one teaching it. NOT A WASTE TO THINK THEM THROUGH AND WRITE SOME OF IT. It’s too complicated to write out all plans this specifically. There are certain things that are obvious (to me) and it’s a waste to write it all out when I’ll be the one teaching it. NOT A WASTE TO THINK THEM THROUGH AND WRITE SOME OF IT.
ADDIE DEVELOPMENT Development pros… It’s my favorite! Creation… I like creating or tweaking recording sheets to meet our needs. I like putting worksheets together that are simple and useful. Like having all work ready to go at the start. It takes the stress off. It’s helpful to consider and ‘do’ what the students are going to do. Do samples of their work; walk in their shoes. It’s helpful to consider and ‘do’ what the students are going to do. Do samples of their work; walk in their shoes.
Unit Documents Animal Card Animal Card Habitat Chart Habitat Chart
ADDIE DEVLOPMENT Development cons… Can be time consuming… It’s good to see what others are doing. What has been successful for other teachers? If you develop your own, you miss out on this.
ADDIE IMPLEMENTATION Implementation pros… Teaching and getting kids involved is the fun part. It’s the whole point. The kids are excited about animals and habitats. The major part of planning is over.
ADDIE IMPLEMENTATION Implementation cons… The kids are excited to tell story after story… It’s taking longer way longer than I planned (partly because of stories…) I still haven’t revised to tie in frogs, butterflies, and chicks.
ADDIE EVALUATION The GOOD… The unit is never complete. I can get experience teaching habitats and then revise to include the supplementary topics. Daily lesson evaluation allows for revisions for the next lesson. EX. I am finding trade books on each habitat. Habitats need books, not just internet resources. I tried to make everything accessible from the one document. I like having videos downloaded. It saves time compared to opening links online.
ADDIE EVALUATION The BAD… I need to rewrite my ‘lesson plans’ and pull out the questions and prompts so they are easier to utilize. I should have done a survey, as part of analysis, to see what they know. They know a lot more than I thought. I would have done a different introductory lesson. I need to preface every lesson (and slight change of focus) with… We aren’t going to tell stories today. Let’s focus on our topic which is…
THE LEARNING Plan Plan Plan Be flexible, flexible, flexible Revise, revise, revise
THE LEARNING THE LEARNING AH HAs Analyze what they know already- no matter the topic. The more you plan, the ‘better’ you feel. You can revise from day to day if needed. Make notes or written plans useful for you. Don’t procrastinate- Try to have fun with planning! Don’t procrastinate- Try to have fun with planning!